Thursday, March 20, 2008

Howling at the Moon - Day Twenty

I am convinced that the moon's cycle has an effect on me. Not only is today the first official day of Spring, but tonight is full moon eve and it is also the first full day of my monthly cycle. I was blessed to not have any PMS this month and I am quite sure it has to do with the balance coming into my body through juice feasting. My symptoms today have been different than any other day since I started juicing, so I am guessing they have to do with my cycle and that of the moon. My mood has been perfectly stable but my energy levels have been very low all day. I had intended to get out into this absolutely gorgeous day and go for a long walk and unfortunately, that never happened. My hunger/thirst was surprisingly low all day and it was a fight to get 3 quarts of juice down. I am not an afternoon napper....never have been.....but today a siesta would have really hit the spot. I also had a dull headache off and on through out the afternoon and even now it lingers ever so slightly in my forehead and behind my eyes. I also have a feeling that an enema would help to alleviate my symptoms, but I honestly don't have the energy to do one tonight.

I did spend some time in my yard and I was able to get a nice dose of Vitamin D, as the weather was simply perfect. I also took a little time to play with my new digital camera and I think I've just about figured out all of the cool features it has. I gave my digital to my husband a couple of years ago for his real estate work and he's bought two new ones since then. I have also bought my daughter a couple of digitals in the last few years, so it was time that mother finally got a camera! Since I'm headed to the Big Apple by myself next Friday, I felt it was important to have a great camera to capture all the excitement. I looked at the extended forecast for NYC and next weekend looks like rain the whole time. I can handle that-at least it shouldn't be freezing. I am stoked because I'm flying into New Jersey (Newark) and I'm going to take the train from the airport to Penn Station. I refuse to pay around a $150 for a cab ride into Manhattan when I can ride the train for $14 (more $ to spend in Chinatown, right?!) The train experience will make the trip even more fun and unique for me anyway. I'll have the majority of the day Friday to shop and then I'll spend Saturday at the Successfully Raw seminar. And who knows what I'll do Saturday night.....maybe shake my booty with the raw entourage til 4 am??!! Sorry, but right now I can't imagine that. For tonight, I'll just go howl at the moon.

Thursday's Daily Juice:
water-lemon (out of MSM, it's on it's way!)
vanilla creme herbal tea
passion berry herbal tea
1 qt. Parsley, celery, kiwi, green grapes, coconut water, crystal manna flakes
rooibos tea
1 qt. collard greens, celery, fennel, yellow bell pepper, carrots, radish, lemon w/ 1 heaping Tbsp. Vita-Mineral Green (this just arrived today - Yippee!)
1 qt. pure watermelon juice - this last juice of the day made this howling wolf very happy.


Anonymous said...

Hi Penny! Just stopping by to show you some love! I want to juice feast so bad, but am really challenged to stay raw right now. It's all mental/emotional and I'm working on it. My mind and body wants raw and juice feasting, what is it keeping me from what I want? Hmm...

Much love,
JOanna/ Rawtn

Michelle said...

Oh sweetie, just rest. I am there with you. I have the exact same thing going on with the addition of some weird stuff. I hope you get some rest and wake up tomorrow feeling refreshed and energized.

Much love!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

PS, I am still jealous that I am not going to NY with you. :o)

Linda in the Raw said...

I'm so jealous that you are going to NYC for the Raw event! Have a safe trip and take lots of pictures for us!!


Ben Kaelan said...

I also love the watermelon juice; I wish I would have done this earlier on but I swear the watermelons were nowhere to be found a month ago.

I can't believe you global juice feasters are already on day 20! LOL! Time sure ulies on this thing eh? :)

Glad to see you're staying juicy! :)

- Ben

Anonymous said...

Hey there hun!! You are going to be at the Raw Success Event too!? that's awesome!!! I hope I get to meet you!!!! You have been a big inspiration to me.

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Have fun on your trip. I tried a version of your Pico recipe but mine ended up more like tomato soup. It was really good and I made another tonight which I'm "eating" now.
Take lots of pictures and share with us!
Pixy Lisa