Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pure Food & Mojitos

I apologize for not writing more this week. I've been busy taking care of all of the squeaky wheels in my life, if you know what I mean. It feels good to finally be in the middle of the weekend, doing things I love to do, and also finding a moment of time to just rest and reflect. I wanted to share with you what I'm working on for my first raw food event that will take place tomorrow evening. Slowly but surely, my home is transforming into the closet thing to Pure Food & Wine I can make it for an evening! Currently, I've heard from about 16 people who are planning on coming. That feels like a great number for a first time event within our community.

I realize that most cities have meet up groups that do potlucks or meet in a raw restaurant, if they are fortunate enough to have one within their community. I decided that for a first time event, I'd create a smorgasboard of raw foods for everyone to experience and enjoy. Potlucks are great fun and I will certainly facilitate them in the future, but they can also be intimidating for raw newbies. My idea is to create an atmosphere where everyone is comfortable and a place for anyone who's raw curious, offering exposure to what raw food can be without the pressure of trying to figure out what to bring. I've always enjoyed entertaining. Making delicious, beautiful, healthy raw food is a passion that I love to share, so planning and preparing for this first event has been great fun for me.

Tomorrow's tasting menu:
  • Coconut Water & Pure Mojitos (with or without organic champagne)
  • JalapeƱo Lime Tortilla Chips and Golden Chile Corn Chips
  • Pineapple Cilantro Salsa & Guacamole
  • BBQ Crisps (this recipe is unbelievable and I hope there are some left by tomorrow)
  • Stuffed Mushrooms (courtesy of my friend, Paula)
  • Heirloom Tomato, Pistachio Pesto & Macadamia Ricotta Lasagna
  • Blonde Macaroons & Hazelnut Mocha Chip Truffles (courtesy of my friend, Peter)
I'll be sharing the recipes for each dish as well as sending home a little care package of raw granola with everyone who attends. I'm really looking forward to interacting with others in my area and checking the pulse of the local community. I really want to get a feel for what people are looking for in the way of education and support. If you're in my area and haven't RSVP'd yet, please give me shout out so I know you're coming!


Heather said...

Your menu sounds amazing! I would be freaking out if I was preparing food for 16 or more and you are so calm and centered. You are always such an inspiration and I wish I was close enough to come to your meet up!

Bunny Berry said...

WOW WOW! I want to come. I did a mini version of that in a hotel room in Honolulu, and it was the MOST fun I had on my trip.

I can't wait to see the pictures. Love you!

Candice Davis said...

Your menu looks amazing! I love to entertain, but I'm not sure I could take on a Raw challenge of this magnitude yet! Your guests are all very fortunate!

Anonymous said...

I have yet to try a raw mojito but I'm dying to! Your event sounds so fun and inviting. Good job, my friend!

HiHoRosie said...

YUMMY! That sounds so wonderful! Everyone's gonna love it. I mean, how could they not?

I'm interested about the bbq crips. I love bbq flavored things so I'm curious.

Look forward to the update. :)

David and Katrina Rainoshek said...

Penni you are a true gift! I wish I was close enough to come, it sounds like a wonderful gathering, sure to inspire folks into raw foods! I can't wait to start up raw gatherings here on the island where we are making our new home...soon!

Lots of love to you sunshine,


Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I could come to your event!!!!! The menu sounds amaaaazing....

Melissa Sokulski said...

Your event sounds amazing! I wish I lived close to Tulsa! Wow.
I just got back from our local (Pittsburgh) raw food meetup potluck and it was so wonderful. What a great group of people raw foodies (and raw food-curious people) are. I'm sure your event will be a huge success!
~ Melissa

Lauren said...

You need to move to New Jersey so I can have a friend like you!!! :) Everything sounds amazing!! Good luck!

sarabethxvx said...

is that the recipe from everyday raw for the bbq crisps? I have been wanting to try it but looking for a recomendation before I invest my time and money ;)

Penni said...

Hi Sarah Beth....

No, the recipe is from Sunny Raw Kitchen. She actually calls them BBQ squares. Just google it and it should come up. I make them a little thinner and cut in cracker shape. The recipe from Everyday Raw looks pretty time consuming to me too.

Thanks to everyone for your encouragement. Tonight should be a fun time!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for tonight!!!! I'm so excited to meet everyone and have some raw food fun. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful soriee and for being such a fab new friend. I'm so happy we met, I will cherish your friendship forever!

xoxox PJ

Michelle said...

Wow girl! You are rockin! What a cool idea to do this for all your friends who are new to raw. It is a great way to get them psyched. It sounds delicious!!! Wish I could be there!

Much love!

Kristen's Raw said...

That is sooooo AMAZING! Gosh, girl, I wish I could come :) I'm all over that menu. You're terrific.

Have an awesome day, doll!

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

You RAWK girl! Wish I could come. Menu sounds so fabulous. I know it will be so much fun.
Pixy Lisa

RawBin said...

Earlier today, I checked to see how far you were from me... 1,256 miles or about 19 hours and 25 minutes. It wouldn't have allowed me enough time to get there! I would have loved to be there! I hope you had fun!

Deika Elmi said...

You made everything? That is so incredibly generous of you, your caring heart shines through. I would be so blessed and fortunate to have you as a neighbour, I feel your kindness and generosity all the way from here. Love to you xo Dea

Anonymous said...

wow...I'm a first timer to your blog, falling in love with the photographs of yummy and healthy foods!

I'll be back-for sure.

Anonymous said...

The food pic looks really yummy! Wish I were in Tulsa.Your a raw foodist inspiration. :)

Michelle said...

Terrific Penni! How did it all turn out? Great i bet!