Real Food Tulsa is hosting the 13th Day of Christmas, a post holiday support meetup on Friday - December 26th at 2 pm. If you're going to be in Tulsa and need an escape from the temptations of rich, cooked holiday foods & desserts, come join me for a green juice or salad at Whole Foods at 41st & Peoria. This will be a totally laid back, casual meetup, so just come say hi and hang out for a bit.
I have been asked to do a couple of lectures at Whole Foods in January and I am totally stoked. If you're near me, mark your calendar and please try to attend as I'd love to have a little support in the audience from my raw food homies! The lectures are as follows:
Saturday - January 10th at 10 am - Post Holiday Detox....Feeling like it's time for a fresh start after the holiday indulgences? Come explore effective ways to lose unwanted holiday pounds while positively impacting your overall health through creative detoxing.
Wednesday - January 21st - 7 pm - Juicing For Fun & Health...This won't be your granola grandma's boring carrot juice class! Come learn easy ways to make gourmet, highly nutritious juices, shakes, and elixirs at home in your own blender or juicer. Taste & Enjoy!
This is hot off the press today....Real Food Tulsa now has a Myspace! Thank to one of our lovely members, Erin, we are socially connected and ready for new friends! Stop by and check out our new site here and drop us a friend request!
From Real Juice Daily's Section - Smart Cocktails: The Chocotini
Last, but certainly not least, I am in the fine tuning stages of a book that has been over a year in the making, Real Juice Daily. It has been a labor of love and it will contain my entire collection of recipes for getting unstuck and getting into the flow! It will include sections on juicing, shakes, smart cocktails, enchanting elixirs, photographs and stories for modern day superheros that want to stay juicy in an uptight, backed up world! Look for Real Juice Daily's release in mid January 2009.
Since it is a detailed story, I rather you hear it from Heidi, in her own words. She decided to go public with her situation in recording her first YouTube videos explaining the traumatic events that have been going on and why she has lost her smile. Please go here to watch the story in it's entirety. During our conversation, Heidi and I discussed ways that the raw food community might be able to help her. I have witnessed in the past, that when we join together as a community, blessed, magical things can and do happen. In her video, Heidi explains the new idea which is being called Heidi's Smile Fund.
If Raw Food Right Now has been a help to you on your raw food journey, or even if you're just learning about Heidi & JS for the first time while reading this post, I hope you'll take a bit of time to watch Heidi's videos and peruse the wealth of information that is contained in the 500+ posts. I also hope that you'll consider joining with me in making a donation of any size to this very special woman and leader in the raw food community. Let's help Heidi get her smile back!!