Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Wendi Dee Does Tulsa
Monday, March 29, 2010
Wendi Dee, Me & 105degrees!
This past Friday I traveled to Oklahoma City to meet up with Wendi Dee and her daughter Kat at 105degrees. This was the day that the graduating students of the Level 1 Culinary program were putting their final tasting menus together. In the above video, I was interviewing the students and sharing with you the incredible dishes they made for us. In the order of which they appear, meet: Austin Cummins, Aimee Duffresne, Andrea Conneely and Vicki Morrisey (they can all be found on Facebook : )
In the above video I was also able to chat with two of the graduating Level 2 chef's; Alissa (punkrawklabs.net), Helen Castillo (therawpalate.com), the extraordinary Russell James (therawchef.com) and Don Cashion (105's sous chef).
A bit more about Russell, new Culinary Instructor of 105degrees:
Russell James has joined 105degrees as guest Instructor In Residence from the UK, where he is known as The Raw Chef.
Russell first got interested in raw foods when on a 7 day cleansing fast in Koh Samui, Thailand. He was there on a quest to clear his skin of spots he'd developed after years of working in a fast food restaurant.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Foodie Friday -Wild Green Goodness
Ruby's Rawkin' Red Sauce (Marinara)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Luck O' The Irish To You!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Doing YOU! on Deep Thoughts Thursday
Today I'm sharing with you another awesome & inspiring video from my friend Brian Johnson from Philosopher's Notes. In this particular clip, he's reviewing the book Do You! by Russell Simmons. Simmons was one of the founders of the hip hop movement and billed by USA Today as one of the top 25 most influential Americans of the decade. Simmons brings an aura of “coolness” to getting centered, connecting with your spiritual self and he's all about giving back to the community. Truly a man after my own heart.
"It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you are truly created to be." ~ E.E. Cummings
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Yummy Raw Kitchen
Continuing with my series on highlighting some of the tremendously talented bloggers within the raw food community, this week I'm featuring - Nikki Walker. Nikki has been a member of Raw Food Rehab since its conception back in June of 2009, and over the past several months, her creativity and personal achievements have her shining her creative light brightly all over the internet with her blog, Yummy Raw Kitchen.
"I'm a 33 year old Registered Nurse and I live in Seattle, WA with my amazing boyfriend, Soto, and the best cat ever, Pixi. When I'm not completely nerding out over raw food I love anything that has to do with music, especially going to see live shows and record shopping, bikram yoga, taking long walks around the city, and going on road trips to spend time with my family.
I've been flirting with the raw lifestyle since the summer of 2008, but have really honed it in since starting the initiative. Eating a clean, living diet has done a lot for me, including almost 40 pounds of weight loss (I'm finally comfortable in my body), more energy, and the confidence and mental clarity to make some positive changes in my career & relationships. I didn't even really tell anyone that I had changed my diet until people started noticing the changes and inquiring about it. Now I have a handful of friends and family drinking green smoothies, and my boyfriend, sister, and mom (Cheri Scott, new RFR member!) are eating high raw diets and feeling the benefits. Aside from all the serious health stuff, the fun part for me is the creative time I spend in my kitchen. Learning to make yummy raw food has opened up a new playground of flavors, techniques and ingredients to experiment with. I love making raw dishes that my non-raw (now becoming higher raw) friends and family enjoy. I started Yummy Raw Kitchen because I was so excited about making healthy food that tastes really good."
Also, my friend and awesome blogger, Terilynn Eppseron, of The Daily Raw Cafe, did a special feature on yours truly today. To check out her blog-iliciousness and to find out 10 things about me that you may not know, visit The Daily Raw Cafe.
Congratulations to the 1st winner of a Ronnie & Minh DVD - Going Raw! (Yes, I am going to make you watch today's video to see who the winner is : ) If you haven't put your name in to the mix to be one of our 7 winners, you need to go to yesterday's main forum post on Raw Food Rehab to get the skinny! To see all of the awesome March Madness offers so far.....CLICK HERE!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Foodie Friday - BBQ Dinner
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Living Her Life NOW - Trekking Across America w/ Amanda
This is such a cool story.....probably one of my favorites in a very long time. Amanda (Rawdawg Rory's lovely wife), is planning and training for a life altering summer. She is going to follow her dream to walk across the United States. Starting in Seattle, WA and ending in her hometown of Hampton, PA.....while the Rawdawg and their daughter travel along the same route by car.
I don't want to tell you everything because Amanda has done an amazing job of telling her own story on her newly created blog, Live My Live Now Trek. Click here to read her story and to learn why she wants to take on the challenge of walking across the US this summer. Click here to check out her route.

The fun part to me is that Amanda is hoping that some of you will walk with her! Her desire is that for the majority of the trip, friends from all over the country will turn up to walk along side her for any length of this trip, be it through your city or just down your block! You too can get inspired by Amanda's decision to follow her dream...no more waiting....you can begin living your life NOW! I am going to try to figure out a way to plan my summer vacation around Amanda's itinerary and walk a bit of the walk with her too!
How to Get FREE Raw Organic NORI!
Jeff isn't one of those raw food personalities that's drawn to the limelight, but I did watched him spend hour upon hour, talking with the public and giving away more products than any other vendor in attendance. People were deeply struck by his generosity and I heard many stories from loyal and satisfied customers from across the globe. I began to realize that Natural Zing had to be one of the raw food world's best kept secrets....at least in my neck of the woods.
Monday, March 1, 2010
March Madness Raw Snack Giveaway!
Late last year Margo started a conscious business, Happy Heart Company, which creates wholesome and delicious raw food snacks at affordable prices. When Margo sent me a care package, I was blown away by the flavors and attention to detail that you could tell went into the snacks. I wish I could have shown you the treats, but they didn't last long around my house : )