Saturday, April 26, 2008

Whoopee Girls - Day 57

No entry yesterday because I took a little road trip over to Norman, Oklahoma (home of the OU Sooners) to visit my brother and Sister-in-law. Jim & Debbye have recently renovated the old 1917 Shelton family bungalow. Their elegantly appointed cottage sits just paces away from the heart of campus corner. Gordon and I love to make the 2 hour drive over for a little getaway whenever we can. This is the first opportunity we've had to visit since I've been juice feasting, so I packed up my citrus juicer and a big bad of oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, blood oranges, thai coconuts and spirulina. We were only there for 24 hours, so staying juicy on citrus seemed like the easiest way to go while away from home. It was great to see our family and as always, we had a marvelous time. My husband has three brothers and the boys have labeled their wives "The Whoopee Girls." I guess when we all get together, we have a pretty good time. In my old days, when I was still quite fond of the vino, we'd really whoop it up. All of the girls have different color hair, so I'm known as Red Whoopee. One great thing I've learned is that I can still have just as good of time even when I'm not whooping it up on booze! In today's picture, you get to see Blond Whoopee as well!

Once back home today, I had a relaxing afternoon. I took the girls to Utica Square for shopping and my almost 15 year old wanted to go straight to Saks Fifth Avenue to buy a pair of True Religion jeans. Gabby has gotten a part-time job recently at Brookside Cleaners and she has been saving up for this major purchase. I can honestly say that I don't even own a pair of jeans that cost $175.00. They look great on her, but I am glad it was her money and not mine! I remember how I was at her age though....totally obsessed with fashion, makeup and all things hip and trendy. I am glad she was able to get them for herself. It gave her quite a feeling of accomplishment I could tell. I am really proud of her.

After dinner we all snuggled in and watched The Water Horse - Legend of the Deep. What a grand movie it was. Totally a family flick, and I even got choked up a couple of times. It's an enchanting tale of friendship and the legend of the Loch Ness Monster. Do see it if you get the chance!

Saturday's Daily Juice:
1 qt. grapefruit, tangerine w/ spirulina
1 qt. blood orange, tangerine, coconut water, maca, Vita Mineral Green
1 qt. celery, parsley, cucumber, spinach, carrot, garlic
1 qt. celery, cucumber, kale, green onion, red bell pepper, tomatoes, garlic, lime, sea salt.


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Whoopee girls - how fun is that?! Sounds like good times!
Pixy Lisa

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my bloggy. Congrats on your success, it's quite an amazing thing. I go up and down, some days really high, others more of a struggle. Over all I feel so blessed!

April said...

Hey! Congrats on your 57th day! What an accomplishment! I have done a two week juice fast before and I really want to do a month juice fast right now but it seems hard for me to get started on it. I know the benefits are so great though, so wish me luck. I just need to dive in and do it. Have a great day juicing and thanks for checking out my blog!

David and Katrina Rainoshek said...

I can feel the delight of your days from here! I love the Whoopee girls, the citrus juice trip to visit family, and hearing about your daughter's triumph.

Keep shining!

Love Katrina

Anonymous said...

You look soooo beautiful!!! I miss you love. I wish you were going to be in NYC next weekend! oooh and CONGRATS ON DAY 57!! your amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hey Penni,
How wonderful that you spent some time w/your sister in laws. Whoopie girls sounds like a great name. I too tend to stay juicy on citrus if I am on the go its easiest. On Friday I went to a very old hot springs and took 3 quarts of orange juice with me. It was marvellous I was like jello or putty when I came out. Every time I do something fun I feel like there is a possibility making it here. We shall see. Day 32 of my new juice feast can u believe it? How is tghe chanca piedra going btw? Love to you, btw you look so good in this picture all glowy and lean and so pretty :) oxxo Dea

Michelle said...

What a wonderful little trip. Must have felt great to get away and still be juicy. You look whoopalicious!