My first exposure to health educator, Emily Shaules, was at the online community of Give It To Me Raw. I recently heard about Emily's story and her warm presence from a friend who attended a raw food retreat in the Poconos last month. It was at that point when her ability to share so openly about her personal journey created a space for others to embrace her message and since that time she has been gaining exposure and quite a following. Emily's most recent essay was featured as a lead story on WLIR, and that is where I found her journey to be so touching and inspirational. I know you too will want read about her past struggle with Fibromyalgia, among other health challenges, and how she overcame it and what she learned about the mind's relationship to dis-ease. I hope you'll take a moment to read about her life changing and triumphant journey here.
I also had the opportunity to talk with both Kevin Gianni and Joel Odhner today. What fantastic guys....I'm a big fan of both. It looks like Kevin will be interviewing Joel, Dr. Oz's personal chef, in the very near future. I'll be sure to keep you posted on that. Joel called me tonight while he was at Home Depot and I was at the grocery store (such glamorous lives we super heroes lead), to tell me that he and a couple of his buddies are getting ready to start juice feasting. How cool! I am going to forward a few of my favorite juice recipes to help him get a kick start. I am not sure how long he's intending on feasting, nor is he, but most likely 30 days or more. It is so encouraging that more and more people are catching the excitement and the benefits of juicing as a way to bring their body into perfect balance. Tonight, I lift my juice glass to you, Joel - you super hero you.....CHEERS!
Wednesday's Daily Juice:
1 qt. grapefruit, tangerine, coconut water & spirulina
2 qt. watermelon juice & crystal manna flakes
1.5 qt. celery, romaine, carrot, onion sprouts, orange bell pepper, garlic, radish, cilantro, jalapeño, lime & sea salt.
I have been taking my B12 sublingual supplement for 2 days and I already feel more balanced and more energy. I have had a head ache off and on today, but I don't think it's detox. We've had intermittent thunderstorms all day and about 15 -30 minutes before it starts to rain, I get a pain in my head and then when the rain stops for awhile my head ache is gone. I think it's a barometric pressure deal. Has anyone else ever experienced or heard of such a thing?
I once saw Dr. Oz on the Oprah show and he did an experiment with detox diets. They took a group of women and put half of them on a detox and the other half ate whatever they wanted. They analyzed their urine and they found no difference in what was coming out. He said he was surprised because he believed in detox diets and now he was still suggesting them as a way to...ugh, I can't think of the term he used...something about restarting the taste buds.
I think there is more to detox than what is in the urine so it was a bit disappointing to hear that. We have more ways to eliminate than just urine and it is so obvious that there is detoxing going on when we begin a new program like that. Oh well at least he saw some good in it still.
You are doing fabulous my lady!!! You seem to be keeping pretty busy too. You are amazing!
Penni you are so naturally gifted at bringing people together. I am tickled that Joel is asking your advice. I mentioned you again in my humble little blog today :)
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