Last year on March 1st, I began a 92 days juice feast. During that time I learned so much and gained valuable insight about health, cleansing, my personal relationship with food and I also learned that for me, it's not necessary to drink juice for a full three months to find rejuvenation, rehabilitation, clear skin & eyes and to lose weight and gain an amazing spring in my step. As I look back through my journey, I see that the most significant changes occurred within those first 21 - 40 days. I experienced my personal best during those days and I also lost the most amount of weight. From about day 50 on, I actually only lost a few more pounds, with an overall weight drop of 28 pounds. I'm certain that unseen healing and rebuilding happened during those last 40 days so I have no regrets for completing the entire process. It was a life changing experience in many ways. To learn more about the concept & benefits of juice feasting visit David & Katrina Rainoshek's website.

Photography by HafTone