I know there are still plenty of you out there reading this who haven't subscribed to the new
RawFu Magazine yet. I know, I know...you've been hearing me go on and on about it. Pardon me while I toot my own horn, but I AM the
Food Editor, AND you must know that I'm writing my little heart out and working my wee fingers to the bone to help make this the best natural health magazine in the world! And surely by now, you have seen that we have some amazing photography (eye candy), as well. But still, I haven't been able to twist your arm to subscribe?

Just this afternoon,
Bunny Berry gave away a brand new
Blendtec Total Blender to one lucky
RawFu subscriber. The blender is amazing and it's list price is $599! The good news is that we have 2 more of those bad boys just waiting to be given away. If you subscribe now, you'll be entered in the next two drawings, one in June and July!

Believe me when I tell you that there are so many great articles in this upcoming June issue, with LOTS of pretty food pics and amazing recipes to tantalize your palate! We have a number of new contributors that have
written some very intriguing articles on subjects that you might not expect. But I don't want to give away too much ;- )
RawFu is the
ONLY monthly magazine available
in the world that promotes a positive living foods experience. Is it just me, or is that impressive? For the next 48 hours Bunny has agreed to open up our online magazine so that non-subscribers can get a taste of what we are doing. Below is a link to our premiere issue, May 2009 and I hope you will enjoy taking a peek at what has been keeping me so busy lately:
Go to:
http://www.rawfu.com/index.php/may2009_onlineUsername: May09
Password: magazine
After 48 hours this link will expire, so go check it out ASAP. I hope you will read it in it's
entirety and then
subscribe here.

My personal goal is to get
RawFu into every Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and every other healthy, organic friendly market in the country. With your help and your subscription, we can make that dream/goal a reality! I love you people!