Monday, October 5, 2009

Party Like It's Your Birthday!

This past weekend I had the extreme pleasure of celebrating my 44th birthday among a cast of the raw food world's elite. The "Who's Who of Raw" drove and flew into my home state from around the globe for the official grand opening of Oklahoma City's cutting edge living food's Cafe & Culinary Academy - 105degrees. I sincerely hope this celebratory event will become an annual celebration of life, learning and exploring human potential in the heart of America.

My sidekick, Jen Hoppa, did an amazing job of acting as raw reporter, capturing some footage in between Ani Phyo and Philip McCluskey's brilliant presentations in the 105degrees Culinary Academy. It is quite likely the first time anyone has suggested that I could be considered "THUG":

I'm delighted to share my bird's eye view with you of the rest of the behind the scenes action at this truly spectacular event:

Fortunately all of the life impacting lectures were videoed by 105degrees & should be available to purchase/view soon. Unfortunately my Flip cam did not hold it's charge through dinner, but please feel free to visit my Facebook collection so that you can see and read about the special autumn dinner that was created by Matthew Kenney and assembled by the tremendously talented kitchen staff of 105degrees.