Saturday, February 27, 2010

Make A W.I.S.H.

WISH | Women's International Summit for Health

In Celebration of International Women's Day, we are honored to present:


Women's International Summit for Health

40 of the World's Leading Experts in Health and Wellness Have Come Together to Share Their Wisdom with Women and You Can Listen to Them
All in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Never before have women had such a remarkable, wide-reaching opportunity to
improve their health and their lives.

From the desk of Tera Warner
February 27, 2010.

Dear Sisters, Mothers, Daughters...

Think back.

Think waaaaay back to a time before wrinkles, cellulite and menstrual cycles took up your attention. Think back to before broken hearts and to do lists came along.

Remember the birthday candles, dandelion seedlings and wishing fountains?
Remember how you used to dream and believe that anything was possible?

We know it isn't easy juggling laundry piles, dirty dishes, food prep, homework, scraped knees, tender hearts and wellness. The to do list is long, and often the things we put last are for our own benefit.

For 10 days we're inviting women around the world to
prioritize themselves like never before.


W.I.S.H.: Women's International Summit for Health

On March 8, 2010, for 10 consecutive days, hundreds of thousands of women from around will come together to find the answers they've been looking for.

What Is W.I.S.H. all about and why should I attend?

W.I.S.H. stands for Women's International Summit for Health and it is a modern-day online women's circle of wisdom. Throughout recorded history and long before that time, women have come together to support and empower one another in times of need. We've shared childcare duties, laundry and even lovers in some cultures. Women find solace and strength in sisterhood, and WISH makes it happen on a larger scale than we've ever known before.

With more than 40 star-studded interviews, and 10 different life areas being addressed, WISH promises to be the best event of its kind for women.

Check out the list of amazing speakers and the agenda HERE.