Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Raw Talk Tuesday - Cher Till's Life Transformation

Click here to listen to the wav file of today's show (much better sound quality)

Welcome to my very first episode of Raw Talk Tuesday! You are in for big shot of inspiration today as you listen to the 35 minute interview with Dr. Cheryl Till. Many of you may already know of Cher from her Blog Talk Radio Show - Healthy Shots with Cher. Here is a bit of background info on today's special guest:

Dr. Cheryl Till
has a very diverse background. She has a Doctorate in the Philosophy of Theology, is an ordained minister, a chef, speaker, trainer, author, coach, and Dr. but, she just likes to be called Cher.

She spent 27 years in the restaurant business, having run multimillion dollar restaurants with over 100 employees in them. Along her journey she sustained an accident at work, which took out both her knees. While recovering, Cher realized working all those long hours in the restaurant business she had lost touch with the core of who she was and why she was put here on this planet.

Three years have gone by since her accident, she has two new knees and a lot of reinventing has taken place. Today Cher teaches people how to accomplish their goals, eat healthier and live a long life. Achieving incredible results from a raw and vegan lifestyle, she has made it her mission to share her love of food with others. Her first e-book, RAWQ YOUR HEALTH with 10 and 10, is only the beginning of her new trademark, and will launch a series of recipe books that are easy, quick and healthy.

Please check out Cher's website here. And then scope out Cher's radio show: HEALTHY SHOTS WITH COACH CHER, which airs on Thursdays from 5-6PM Pacific time on Blog Talk Radio. On her weekly show, Cher interviews guests who are experts in the raw vegan lifestyle, meditation and green living. Her effervescent personality and love of life is contagious everywhere she goes.

The following is an awesome clip that Cher put together to showcase the amazing, mouth watering recipes she shares in her new eBook:

On today's call, Cher is offering a very special exclusive offer to the RFR community (which includes Real Food Tulsa readers). If you order her ebook before this coming Saturday, October 23 by midnight PST, you will get an additional ebook shipped out to your Inbox on November 1st! 30 additional recipes that only require 10 ingredients or less and can be made in 10 minutes! Click here to place your order!

LifeCoach Cher also offers one-on-one and/or group consultations. You can learn all about this by clicking here.

I hope you enjoyed today's very first Raw Talk Tuesday and we'll see you again for another show next Tuesday. Our special guest will be Joan Monarch, mother of Mr. Matt Monarch of the Raw Food World TV Show! You won't want to miss it!