On Thursday, December 9th, I will be joining Blog Talk Radio host, Cher Till for a fantastic internet program on Staying Raw & Sane at the Holidays! During this hour long program, Cher and I are dishing up some great holiday tips for staying raw, keeping it green, reducing stress and sharing recipe ideas. We cover a gamut of topics from dealing with the demands and stresses of the season to how to be prepared and stay on course with your healthy eating goals throughout 2010 and beyond. Please join us for some fun, helpful tips and tricks that will help make your season more Merry & Bright! Click here to learn more details and to find the time the show will be available in your area.
Healthy Shots with Cher is an award winning internet program that brings you the movers, shakers and leaders in raw, vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, as well as Masters in the study of Meditation. Master Life Coach Cher Till is your host and weekly she brings you her expert tools and those of her special guests. This will be a one hour show, with fun and information that will guide you to a balance of physical and mental joy. To learn more about Coach Cher Till go to rawqyourhealth.com