Be inspired, get practical tips, unleash your inner sexy you and transform your life! Whether you are struggling with your weight, happiness, or overall joy in life, this is the event for you.
Mar 1st 2011 (6pm - 7:30pm, dinner right after)
5820 North Classen Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
*Enjoy a gourmet 3 course raw meal: appetizer, entree, and delicious dessert!
Investment in your health: $40 lecture / $60 lecture + dinner
For more information or to register, please call: 405-842-1050

More about Philip:
Philip McCluskey is a raw food expert who motivates hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to become healthier, happier, and fitter by trading in their standard diet for a raw food lifestyle. Philip’s journey began in 2006, when, at a morbidly obese 400 pounds, he discovered raw food and shed 215 pounds, gaining vibrant health, energy, and a renewed passion for living.
His story has inspired countless others who have seen him on CBS’s The Doctors, have heard him speak at events like the Raw Spirit Festival, or have followed his journey on YouTube and on his website, LovingRaw.com. He is also the author of three published books, including Raw Food Fast Food.