Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Best of Raw Awards 2010

The highlight of my snowbound week, thus far, has been last night's 3rd Annual Best of Raw Awards! The event was held in Santa Monica, CA at Matt Amsden's Rawvolution and the entire 3 hour event streamed live along with a very lively chat room full of viewers from around the globe who all turned out to cheer for their favored person, place or thing. It was an action packed night of great fun!

I'm still a little stunned, but delighted at the honor & recognition of Raw Food Rehab winning The Best Raw Community Site. Of all the categories, this was the one I most hoped we'd place in, but I did not expect to win. I'm genuinely thrilled because it's not MY award but an entire commuinity award, which makes it all the more wonderful and special! When I asked Susan, who assists me with running the site, what her thoughts were on RFR's win she said, "This is not about us (she & I). It's TEAM work that makes the DREAM work!" Well said, my friend, well said.

I've been so giddy all day and decided we needed to have a celebratory giveaway! Click here to go sign up to win a copy of Philip McCluskey & Heather Pace's brand new release, Raw Food Carob Desserts! I'll be drawing for the winner this coming Monday, February 7th!

If you missed The Best of Raw Awards, below I've listed some of the winners and the runner ups. Please Click Here to view the full list of the top finalists and the winners in each of the 40 categories for 2010!

Raw Vegan Friendly Restaurant
Winner - Cafe Gratitude
#2 Au Lac
#3 SunPower Natural Cafe
#4 Pure Food and Wine-New York
#5 Euphoria Loves RAWvolution—Santa Monica, CA
#6 Juliano's Planet Raw—Santa Monica, CA

Best Blog
Winner: Raw Reform - Angela Stokes
#2 Matt Monarch - Raw Success
#3 Penni Shelton
#4 Raw on $10 a Day (or Less!)
#5 Rawmazing
#6 Sunny Raw Kitchen

Best Show or Vlog:
Winner: Dan Mcdonald the Liferegenerator's Show
#2 The Raw Food World TV Show
#3 Renegade Health
#4 Penni Shelton's Show
#5 Chef Tina Jo's Show
#6 BeLive's Youtube Channel ChefBeLiveLight

Best Radio Show:
Winner: Raw Food World Radio Show
#2 Raw Vegan Radio
#3 Paul Nison's Show
#4 Coach Cher Till
#5 SuperFood Education Seminars with Bethanne Wanamaker and Dr. Jameth Sheridam
#6 Rhio's Show

Best Raw Community Site:
** Winner - Raw Food Rehab **
#2 30 Bananas A Day
#3 Give It To Me Raw
#4 Raw Divas
#5 We Like It Raw
#6 Raw Sangha

Best Book 2010
Winner: Ani Phyo Raw Food Essentials
#2 Green for Life: The Updated Classic on Green Smoothie Nutrition by Victoria Boutenko
#3 Becoming Raw by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina
#4 Raw Food Cleanse: Restore Health and Lose Penni Shelton
#5 Orgasm of the Taste Buds by Chef BeLive
#6 Rawmazing Desserts by Susan Powers

Best Raw Film
Winner - Food Matters
#2 Raw Food Cure For Diabetes, Gabriel Cousens
#3 Simply Raw
#4 May I Be Frank
#5 The Beautiful Truth
#6 Raw For Life

Best Male Raw Athlete
Winner -Brendan Brazier
#2 Tim Van Orden
#3 Real Raw Matt
#4 Harley Jhonston aka Durianrider
#5 Dr. Douglas N. Graham
#6 Stefan Hiene

Best Female Raw Athlete
Winner - Rainbeau Mars
#2 Freelee Love
#3 Koya Webb
#4 Tonya Kay
#5 Danielle Charboneau
#6 Diane Haworth

Sexiest Raw Woman
Winner - Ani Phyo
#2 Angela Stokes-Monarch
#3 Freelea Love
#4 Annmarie Gianni
#5 Oshun Kelley
#6 Sarma Melngallis

Sexiest Raw Man
Winner - Dan McDonald
#2 David Wolfe
#3 Brian James Lucas aka Chef BeLive
#4 Storm Talifero
#5 Woody Harrelson
#6 Jason Mraz

Funniest Raw Woman
Winner - Angela Stokes-Monarch
#2 Shazzie
#3 Penni Shelton
#4 Freelea
#5 Nomi Shannon
#6 Oshun Kelley

Funniest Raw Man
Winner - Dan Mcdonald
#2 Matt Monarch
#3 David Wolfe
#4 Kevin Gianni
#5 Brian James Lucas aka Chef BeLive
#6 Harley Jphnstone (durianrider)

Simple Raw Chef
Winner - Dan McDonald aka LifeRegenerator
#2 Ani Phyo
#3 Solla Eiriksdottir
#4 Angela Stokes-Monarch
#5 Elaina Love
#6 Chef Tina Jo

Gourmet Raw Chef
Winner - Brian James Lucas aka Chef BeLive
#2 Lou Corona
#3 Solla Eiriksdottir
#4 Nomi Shannon
#5 Russell James
#6 Alissa Cohen

Best Raw Vegan Educator
Winner - Dan McDonald
#2 David Wolfe
#3 Brian James Lucas aka Chef BeLive
#4 Angela Stokes Monarch
#5 Nomi Shannon
#6 Dr. Gabriel Cousens