Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rock Your Wellness this Valentine's Day!

Rockin’ Wellness brings amazing organic superfood ingredients like cacao, goji berry, hemp seed, chia seed, maca, flaxseed and more into an easy mix, sourced from the best places and locations on the planet, to bring you "live" nutrition. Rockin' Wellness Total Body Nutrition is about supporting the body systems as a whole and was carefully developed to impact your energy, focus and mood.

The recipes Paul Risse, Founder of Cleanse America, and I have created and compiled for this ebook were designed to help support, invigorate and heal your body, while enticing and satisfying your palate. Not only is Rockin’ Wellness an incredible addition to your morning or post-workout shake – it is also ideal when used as a foundational addition to the recipes you eat and enjoy for life!

Additionally, your purchase will help to support Cleanse America’s message and mission.

What is Cleanse America?
Cleanse America is a calling and intention. The calling is to share the message of transforming the state of health in our nation – body, mind & spirit. The intention is to inspire 1,000,000 Americans to participate in a 10 day raw food cleanse and to also help support their communities in getting on board. The veil is being lifted and now is the time to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate. Join us and let’s have an amazing time as we each play a part in the transformation of our nation.

Click here to order your copy of ($9.99)

Rockin' Wellness - Recipes to Improve Your Focus.Energy.Mood

PS.... a little bird told me that Raw Food Rehab will be giving away a couple of bags of Rockin' Wellness in this month's upcoming monthly roll call - so be sure to watch for that within the week!