Monday, December 30, 2013

Tropical Mango Turmeric Tango

Hello Friends!
I'm just checking in with you in these few remaining hours of 2013. I hope you've had an enjoyable holiday so far and that you are looking forward to a beautiful new year ahead! I've been taking some precious time to be still, re-focused and have been doing a bit of writing & content creation for my new website and community site UpgradedEats!
I wanted to say how grateful I am to each of you who are still subscribed here, to to those who stay connected and have the desire to stay plugged in with me as I forage ahead into new territory!
If you haven't already, I'd be delighted if you'd stop by my new website and sign up for my monthly newsletter. I'll be sharing lots of delicious tidbits, (like the recipe for the Tropical Mango Turmeric Tango you see above) and anything else I think you might be interested in regarding taking your health & wellness to a more upgraded level!
I'll be leading a guided 10+ Day Mind Body Reset at UpgradedEats beginning January 6th. With the $10 monthly subscription, members get full access to everything - education, inspiration, support and the guided 10-Day January Reset - all materials, recipes, daily videos, etc. are included in the subscription fee. welcomes anyone who has a desire to upgrade their health & wellness on any level. You can get additional details here:

I will also be adding a free ebook to very soon - so be sure to subscribe to Upgrade Your Plate's monthly newsletter so you won't miss that!
I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and am so grateful for the opportunity to be connected with you on whatever level resonates with you. I wish you many blessings and a bright, vibrantly healthy 2014!

Tropical Mango Turmeric Tango
1 cup mango
1 cup pineapple
1 banana
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1 teaspoon vanilla powder (or extract)
1 scant teaspoon turmeric
water to blend

I added a little hemp seed, shredded coconut & some gojis to the top to serve - it's a good one!

Love you.....