Sunday, August 19, 2007

Getting back in the Raw Game

Yes.....I have been gone from blogging for a couple of weeks. Out of town because my mother in law passed away. I won't go into those details here, I'll just say that now she beautifully rests in peace.

All the while I served and loved my family, away from my home and my raw kitchen......I fell from raw food grace, once again.

But I as I am known to do, I learn from my fall and then I love to get back on that raw food pony and ride. I am at my best when I indulge in lush, ripe, fresh and raw foods.

My children start back to school tomorrow and I look forward to the gift of more time to focus on planning, preparing, exercising, breathing and just being. I also look froward to sharing a few of the nuggets with you.

Peace. Out.


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