Friday, March 7, 2008

Week One - Day Seven

This photo was taken by my cell phone today after I came home from grocery shopping. The counter top in my kitchen is overflowing with vibrant, organic goodness and I am trying to keep it all displayed in such a way that would invite a photo shoot at any time. I'm anal like that. much as I generally dislike and become anxious over the Sam's Wholesale Club shopping experience, I decided to go anyway today to see what I could find in the way of organics and I was happy to find a big bag of spinach and a big container of mixed greens, which I happily snatched up at a very good price. I also bought some conventional items like thick skinned fruits....tangerines, grapefruits, cantaloupe and watermelon. Then I looped back around to Whole Foods, which has become my equivalent of Cheers - the place where everyone knows my name, and grabbed more celery, cucumbers and apples.

Today marked a week of juice feasting. I am really marveling at how much easier it is for me than I had anticipated. I am so thankful and I'm just taking each day as it comes and I am choosing to not get too freaked out about anything. So far so good. Within myself, I have become aware of new sense of calm that has settled in. I feel really clear and tranquil. I'm feeling more compassionate and I find that I am slowing down and taking time to be in the present moment much more than ever before. There's no doubt that the inflow of teachings that I have been studying are part of this shift, but I think that the juicing has opening my heart and awareness up so everything feels heightened. If I didn't lose a pound, this clarity and joy would be reason enough to stay the course and complete the full 92 days.

Here's the Daily Juice.....
Roobios tea
dry brush-shower
1 qt. cucumber, lemon, sunchoke, apple, beet, beet greens, dandelion greens, swiss chard
4 oz. wheat grass
1.5 qt. celery, radish, green onion, carrot, tomatoes, cucumber, yellow bell pepper, parsley, romaine, mixed greens, garlic, lemon, basil w/ 1 T hemp oil
2 cups Tulsi Passionfruit tea w/ raw wild honey
1.5 qt. grapefruit, tangerine, water, Crystal Manna flakes
1 tsp. coconut butter w/ 1 T bee pollen


  1. Beautiful Penni! The picture, your experience, everything. I am so happy for you and for your wonderful insights, joy and sense of peace you are experiencing.

    Have a juicy weekend!

  2. Penni, you are such a beautiful person! I'm curious about your thoughts on beauty products... have you gone non-toxic on those too? What does your routine look like? I'm also curious about what kind of enema you're doing... I love that you're posting daily... I'm a regular reader and fellow Tulsan.

  3. I'm thinking maybe I should break down and get a Sam's card. There is one right by my house (lots closer than Whole Foods) and they have some organics. I usually don't consume enough of anything to even consider it, but my grocery bills on this JF have been pretty hefty.

  4. This is for "anonymous" in Tulsa...I will be happy to answer your questions, however, since you haven't registered an identity, I don't know how to reply to you. I really appreciate your support and readership.
    All the Best....Penni

  5. what does the crystal manna taste like Penni? So glad you are enjoying the process:)

  6. I tagged you! Since we all want to know more about you! ;0) Check out my blog for details!

    You are a beautiful person!
