Sunday, April 27, 2008

Goodbye Pile - Day 58

In yesterday's post I told about our trip to Norman, OK to visit my husband's brother and sister-in-law. I wanted to also post this great photo of my hubby, Gordon, on the left and his brother, Jim. Gordon is the oldest of four boys and Jim is the next brother, just two years younger. I think Gordon looks really amazing for his age. He is 58. Yes, I married a man that's 16+ years older, but if I had to do it all over again, believe me, I would! He is totally a keeper and I feel so blessed to have him as my lover and best friend.

Today was my day to clear out clutter. I first cleaned out the dresser in my bedroom. I have a bag for the Goodwill and another load to take into a consignment shop. Whew, getting that done felt good. Then I tackled "The Pile." I keep a pile of clippings, recipes, information, articles, magazines, etc. by my red chair (the red chair is my spot in our home and it's also where my computer is), and today was the day to weed through this pile. I made tremendous progress in sorting and throwing out. I compiled all of my recipes, as I'm creating a book to categorize and keep everything in order. By tomorrow afternoon, I should be basically clutter free! Although I pride myself on keeping a relatively clean home, juice feasting has really been helping my ADD because this detailed organization is big progress for me!

It has alsos been on my mind that I haven't posted my current weight in a while. I forgot to weigh the last time I was at the gym, but according to my screwed up home scales, I haven't lost more than a pound in the last three weeks. I am not concerned at all, but I would love to see those scales budge a little. I'll be going in for a workout in the morning, so perhaps I'll have a weight report for you tomorrow evening.

Sunday's Daily Juice:
1.5 qts. strawberry, orange, coconut water, goji berry, & spirulina
1 qt. water w/ lemon and mint
1.5 qts. celery, dandelion, romaine, green onion, carrots, tomatoes, cilantro, parsley, basil, garlic, lemon, sea salt.

I didn't really want anymore juice than this today, so I just went with it. In this evening's juice I picked fresh parsley, cilantro and basil from my garden and WOW! The flavor was so much more intense and alive! I love having homegrown goodness in my juice!!


  1. Wow, your husband looks way younger. That's amazing. 16 years older...that reminds me of Emma, (I'm a total Jane Austin fan and she's one of my favorites)'re just like her. She married someone 16 years older than her. (Emma is the best chick flick ever in my opinion...excuse me, I'm tired and random)

  2. Woo Hoo for decluttering! It feels so great when things are clutter free! :-)

    I said it before, but I'll say it again: YOUR HUSBAND IS GORGEOUS!!! He looks like his brother's son, too! I bet your husband has the beautiful smile and sparkle because he has you in his life, Penni! ;-)

    Lots of love to you!


  3. mad props on the juice feasting.
    I just read your thing on WLIR, and seriously, I admire anybody who has the endurance to do juicing for more then a week.

    i'm kind of a dessert whore, so my juice feasts never seem to last more then a few days...hah :]

  4. Oh Penni, you and G-Man are just a hot lil' couple! And a happy twosome that I am thrilled to have gotten to know.

    Love you guys. Ginger, Eddie and those crazy kids too.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Cute hubby and looks waaaaay younger than his age!

    Bravo on the de-cluttering. I cleaned my closet this weekend too and have a huge pile for Goodwill!

    Pixy Lisa

  7. Isnt it interesting how as we begin to clean out the clutter inside that we begin to clean out the clutter surrounding us?

    And yes I think you and your handsome hubby are the cutest most radiant match.

    I sure wish I had started the JF with you. Leave it to me to miss the boat on that challenge.
