Sunday, April 20, 2008

Embracing Our Glory - Day 51

I am snatching today's blog message from the lesson my husband delivered at church this morning. Yes, my hubby is now a Sunday school teacher (awwwww!). He and I are living proof that God is the master recycler......having taken our lives, which were at one point doomed for a trip to the dump, and turned us into something new and much better.

The heart of Gordon message was from this quote from Marianne Williamson....."Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us....And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

This quote really spoke to me this morning and it has stayed with me throughout the day as I happily worked in my yard and tended my sweet little potted garden, which is growing larger by the day! When I first heard this quote, I wondered if what she was saying was true. I am receiving letters from people all over the world daily now and in many of these notes, I am hearing something different. It seems that many don't appear to be fearing their glory, but in fact, are fearful that they are not glorious at all. Many openly state their fear of being a disappointment or a failure, mainly to themselves. Many have told me that they are fearful to start a raw foods diet or try a juicing regime because they think they won't succeed. How fascinating yet sad this is to me. People who are willing to stay stuck because of the fear that they will fail. The more I pondered this quote the more it began to resonate within me. I believe that we are created in the image of God and it seems that we run the risk of being displeasing to our Creator if we don't embrace the truth that we are made in His likeness. So, perhaps it is that we fear our glory. Do we fear heading in this direction because it seems prideful? My thought is that to be truly pleasing to God and to be at peace within our lives we must open ourselves to the reality that we are made to reflect that Divine glory. We are made to Shine. On this Sunday, I hope you too will allow this truth to settle into your heart and mind. Let us not stand in the way of the miracle that is just waiting to take place in our own little corner of the world when we radiate the light that is longing to shine out from within us. My prayer and hope for each of us is that we can let go of the fears that so easily entangle us and truly live lives that are full of glory and that are fully alive with the same creative energy that fuels our entire universe. Now get out there and start shining!

Sunday's Daily Juice:
1.5 qt young coconut water, strawberries, blood oranges, spirulina
1 qt. lemons, raw honey, cayenne pepper, pure water (master cleanse)
2 qt. celery, asparagus, carrots, green onions, orange bell pepper, garlic, jalapeƱo, cucumber, lime, sea salt


  1. That's such an awesome quote! It's absolutely true! We were created in God's image and He is all powerful! It's so exciting to know that our potential is limitless! Praise GOD!!!

  2. Penni,
    I'm sitting here wide eyed, mouth open. A year ago this week, one of my spiritual sisters gave this exact quote to me. For the first few months after she gave it to me, I would read it often because it meant something to me on a deeper level. I had completely forgotten about it until today when I read your blog. I am reminded that I can and will do and succeed at anything I desire. I am reminded that my "glory" is fully alive and that all I have to do is let it shine.
    I am very grateful for this reminder. You are an inspiration!

  3. Penni - My 17 year old daughter fell in love with this quote when we heard it in the movie "Akeelah and the Bee." She immediately memorized it, so I made it into a poster for her room.

    I can relate to God picking you up and putting you on a different path. How blessed are we not to be headed down a wrong road any more?!
    Though I do take occasional detours ;-)
    Enjoy your day!
