Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Half Way There - Day 46

April 15th can often have a negative vibe for many of us tax paying Americans, but this year the day took on a whole new feeling for me. Day 46 of juice feasting is the half way point for those of us who are planning to go the distance and complete the entire Global Juice Feasting program that began on March 1st, as designed by David Rainoshek. When I began this adventure a month and a half ago, I couldn't have foreseen the transformations that have already taken place in such a short amount of time. Issues with my skin have cleared up. A case of chronic bronchitis that had lingered for over six months after a bout with pneumonia last June...today-lungs totally clear. Fatigue and mood swings, gone. Paper thin and peeling finger nails are now strong, healthy and growing like a weed. My hair is regaining a lustre and softness after several years of feeling dull and lifeless, not to mention new growth and fullness where I was beginning to see thinning. No bloating, gas or bathroom drama (except when I juice jalapeƱos, which I do anyway, because I love it hot!) And a weight loss of nearly 25 pounds. I am sure there are other improvements that I am forgetting at the moment, but with results such as these, how could I not move forward and complete my goal?

Today is good time to say a thing or two about gratitude. First of all, I am so grateful for my family, especially my dear husband, Gordon. Gordon has put no demands on me during this time. He has allowed me the space I need to accomplish my goals on a daily basis. I spend much more time on the computer now, between studying, communicating with others who are either juicing or who are in the raw food community, or my own writing...such as maintaining this blog. Never a cross word or a moment of negativity. I realize how blessed I am to have a partner who gives such support...Gordon, I love you and and I love my flowers! As seen in my photo of the day, he surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers this morning to congratulate me on the accomplishment of making it to the half way mark. And to the girls, Gabby and Taylor, I want to thank you for loving me and for being so understanding about my wild decision to drink juice for three months. You are both so special to me and we'll always remember this time when I always had a big jug of juice with me everywhere we went!

I also want to thank all of you who read my blog everyday. Knowing that I have family & friends, both old and new, who are following my adventure, gives me a great deal of encouragement and motivation. Your comments and personal emails have been a source of delight and inspiration to me. And a big thank you to Matt Gleason of the Tulsa World for thinking enough of my story to cover it in our local paper. There have been so many people who have contacted me or who I have ran into that saw the article and who speak kind words of encouragement. A genuine thank you to David & Katrina Rainoshek, my juice feasting mentors. And finally to Philip McCluskey and Heidi Ohlander, these two were blazing the trail and are who really got me to see the vision and jump on the band wagon to make that final commitment to go for it. All of these people and factors play a role in my own personal success thus far and and I know that this support structure is a big part of what will keep me going strong in the next month and a half. So everyone join me in lifting your juice glass (or quart jar) and toast with me to another epic and exciting 46 days!


  1. Hip hip hooray Penni!

    You are radiant in so many ways!! Love the picture of you on Day 46 with your beautiful flowers, and you are the most beautiful of them all!!

    Love and Hugs,

    Katrina and David

  2. You look simply gorgeous! Congrats on the halfway mark!


  3. You are so incredibly and inspiringly beautiful (on the outside and most importantly- from your very core) . . . you simply glow and sparkle and I"m so very very grateful to have your energy in my sphere - a thousand California kisses blown your way,

  4. Congratulations on passing the halfway point! What a wonderful treat from your husband too. And you look sooooo beautiful in the photo. Penni, juicefeasting becomes you! You're radiant, with a natural beauty shining through from the inside. So inspiring!
    I'm looking forward to the second half and excited to see what new experiences it will bring.


    lou xxx

  5. You are radiant and infectious!
    I admire the supportiveness of your family in your inspired journey.

    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Wow, you are really beautiful!

    Thanks for the encouraging words on my blog the other day. I didn't realize you were so famous!! :0)

    I enjoyed reading back through your posts and am very inspired by your perspective and your current juice feast. Wow and congrats on being half-way there.
    I also enjoyed clicking through some of your links. I feel like I am continually discovering gold mines of health/raw sites and blogs online. Viva la internet!!!

    Amber G.

  7. I've just read your article on WLIR and as usual you blew me away with your wisdom, beauty and radiance. You make such a valid point - if he/she/they can do it, I can too! So many people have told me that they could never juice feast for even a day, let alone 92 days. If I can do it, anyone can!

    Well done on reaching the halfway mark!

  8. Congrats to you my BFF! You are an inspiration and I you are such a blessing to me.

    Love you and the family always,


  9. Hiya Penni ... You are an inspiration! Keep on keepin' on, Girl ... you're looking more radiant as the days go by. I've featured you on my blog post today ... and the article you've written for WLIR too. I've added your blog to my sidebar too ... cos you're the go-to gal of the hour for this amazing juice feasting thang.

    Here's to your continued commitment and amazing things showing up in your life during the remaining 45 days of your juicing adventure (the "downhill" part, as you so optimistically referred to it)!

    And here's to your sweet hubby, Gordon. Flowers and thoughfulness ... a great combo in a man!

    Naomi in NY

  10. Whooo hoooo! :) You do indeed look radiant! :) Congrats! The rest of the juice feast is going to fly right by, trust me! :)
