Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's Melting - Day 39

We were able to find the time this evening to take some pictures. It seems fitting that we did a little photo shoot on the eve of my 40th day of juice feasting. The number 40 has always had significance to me and even though I'm far from being finished with my juice feast, the number 40 represents completion of a cycle. So, tonight...we celebrate with photos. I decided to wear the same shirt I had on in my before photographs so you can see exactly how it is now fitting differently.

Yes, my hair is lighter (much closer to my natural color now) and I have had to buy new jeans. In the initial photo I am in a very tight size 14 (can you say camel toe?) and the new shot is a comfortable size 10.

I have been challenged on getting the pictures positioned correctly and my eyes are feeling a bit blurry, so this is all you get tonight. You can tell which shots are from today. I'll add more photos throughout this week as I figure out how to post multiple photographs in one blog. I think you can get the overall idea of how things are progressing from these two. I still have a good amount of poundage to release, but I feel so accomplished to already have a good deal of the work behind me. More importantly than the weight loss is how I am feeling and that is the most amazing and blessed part of it all. That is the reason I started all of this to begin with and this slimming is just the raw icing on the cacao cake!

Beginning Weight (3-1-08) 171
Weight on (3-24-08) 157
Weight on (4-2-08) 153
Today's Weight 149
Total Loss - 22 lbs.


  1. You look vibrant!! Congrats on the weight loss, just one of the many wonderful things about juice feasting. It's like shedding the old skin so the real you can shine through!


  2. Va va voom! You look amazing!!!

  3. "the raw icing on the cacao cake" love that;)

    I can see a remarkable difference in your vibration, before and after. I sense a deeper strength in the new photos (for lack of a better way to express that). The changes within are shining through as well. Wonderful:)


  4. Va va va voom!!!! You are a sexy mama! What an awesome transformation you have had girl. You must be so thrilled with yourself. I love that you wore the same shirt and posed the same as the before picture. You look AMAZING!!!


  5. Hi Penni,

    What a transformation. I am blown away by it. Its more than just physical though, what I mean is there is a spark to your eyes now, you stand up straighter and look happier too. Going from size 14 to 10 is fantastic too. You are doing so great, congratulations, xo Dea

  6. hurray! Penni, that's so fabulous! you look, slim, toned and radiant - your natural beauty is just shining through :)
    congrats on the weight loss - let's hope you achieve your goal by the end of the feast.
    keep it juicy, sister!

  7. That is how we roll playa... You are looking amazing Penni. I am so happy to see you going strong girl, you amaze me. Today is day 79 for me... it only get better! : )

  8. Ooh! I love before and after pics!

    You look fabulous! What an inspiration for so many people, Penni! I love how there is a more peaceful glow about you in the after pics, too! Beautiful!

    Lots of love to you,


    p.s. LOL about the camel toe comment. :-P

  9. A BIG Thank you to everyone....all of you have been my cheerleaders thus far in the journey and your comments keep me going some days. I love being on this journey along side each of you...I love you all!


  10. I see the same thing in you that I saw in myself... After a few weeks of juice feasting I saw more of myself! There's more to it than just weight loss, it's as if I was slowly emerging into focus and looking more like myself than before... You are too! You're looking great!

  11. Penni, you look off the hook, girl, as the youngsters would say! The camel toe reference had me laughing out loud in my cube. You're a truly vibrant inspiration. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself.

  12. What a beautiful transformation. Wow!



  13. I am giggling with excitement! I love the progress photos and I am so inspired by you! 40 days is so significant in life, in the scripture,...amazing!

  14. Hooray Penni!!

    Love seeing you shine away!!

    Love and hugs,


  15. You look mAvAlous dahling! No joke, really. You do. Radiant. Smokin. Present. Happy.
    Great job!
    Pixy Lisa

  16. You kick some serious ASS!!!!!!

  17. Penni - you are absolutely radiant. I think most important is how you are becoming so confident in who you are. You look SO healthy!


  18. LOLOLOL, first congrats you know I love you. But, I am crying right now from laughing so hard. Camel toe. You kill me.
