Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thirsty Thursday - Day 55

My sweet hubby is out of town, so my friends talked me into having a big night out. This photo is of me and Michelle, my best friend's angelic girlfriend. I'm still not sure how he landed this precious peach, but she's so lovely, just like a wee angel. Tonight we went to El Guapo, a hip Mexican restaurant downtown in the warehouse district. Really good atmosphere, really poor service. BUT....I got lucky because tonight they had freshly squeezed blood orange juice in the bar! We ended up on a rooftop patio overlooking Tulsa's breathtaking downtown skyline. Between the fresh juice, the company and the ambiance, it was a great night.

Earlier today I met up with my friend Stephanie from Edmond, OK. We were able to get caught up and have a juice break at Whole Foods. Stephanie and I first made contact on Twitter, but then we inadvertently met a short time later in the check out line at WF's! In February, Stephanie and I attended a raw food class near her home in Edmond by Chef Mandy Canistelle. Today, Stephanie shared with me about her recent experience of 10 days on the Master Cleanse. Mixed reviews, but over all she lost about 10 lbs. We tried to get a good picture, but my camera lost power and my phone took a really sorry shot. Believe me, Stephanie is a true beauty, both inside and out. I'll be sure to have my camera ready with fresh batteries next time she and I get together.

Thursday's Daily Juice:
2 qts. watermelon & spirulina
double shot of wheat grass
16 oz. green juice from Whole Foods Juice Bar (it's a mystery but I know there was parsley, celery, spinach and cuke w/ a dab of carrot)
16 oz. straight blood orange juice
I came home late tonight and drank a concoction of 32 oz. pure water mixed with ice and VitaMineral Green in the Vita Mix....just felt like I needed the extra shot of green goodness.
Took my B12 again today and I'm now certain that's what's making me feel super charged!


  1. Blood orange juice at a Mexican Restaurant? You seem to encounter such beautiful treats wherever you go...I think it is your open spirit. Often we miss treasures in this life because we don't keep our spirit and eyes open.

  2. Oh my goodness! You two look like you could be sisters. :0)

    Blood orange juice sounds divine.

  3. Hello beautiful!
    I'm intrigued by your B12 experience. Tell me more! Which brand are you using and why do you attribute your extra energy to it? You're having quite a lot of juice - couldn't it just be the energy from the juice? I'm asking all this because I'm wondering about doing some B12 myself.
    love xxx

  4. Sweet! You gals do look like twinkies:)

  5. Oooh la la, I want to hit the rooftop with some blood orange juice with you. You sure know how to live and you look fantastic (as always!)

  6. B12 might be just what I need too Penni, hanging out on a rooftop on a warm spring evening hmmm makes me want to be there w/you. Your friend has such a kind sweet expression the two of you look so happy and pretty. Love to you xo Dea
