Sunday, April 13, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle - Day 44

Every year it happens. I always get so zealous about spring planting, herbs, tender young greens, tomatoes and peppers. For some odd reason I thought this year would be different and that we wouldn't get that odd freeze this late in the season. But apparently its coming tonight.....temperatures are expected to get around 30 degrees or below and I just couldn't bear risking the livelihood of my sweet young potted garden to the chilling night temperatures. So, this afternoon, I brought them all into our kitchen for a climate controlled night at the Shelton Inn. My kitchen island and cabinet tops are overflowing with happy, cozy plants. I can almost sense their gratefulness and if I didn't know better, I'd think they were humming a little tune.

Other than rescuing the garden, today has been relatively calm and very much a day of rest. I have enjoyed some exceptionally good juices today. Before church I had a quart of refreshing grapefruit, blood orange and Crystal Manna. Then for lunch, it was pineapple, parsley, apple & VitaMineral Green. Mid afternoon and evening was my daily favorite....celery, kale, romaine, green onion, cucumber, sprouts, red bell pepper, carrots, asparagus, garlic, lime, sea salt and jalapeño. This smörgåsbord of veggies all marry very well together creating a deliciously savory juice that is a pleasure to my palate. It ends up making around 2 quarts. I usually chase this with a tbsp. of hemp or coconut oil. I keep trying to enjoy chewing bee pollen, but I have yet to feel the love. I choke it down a few times a week, but maybe I just have a funky brand or something. I know it is a spectacularly good addition to any diet, esecially when juice feasting, so I'll keep working on it.

I've got some really exciting things cooking (pardon the pun) this week. Tomorrow morning I am finally meeting with an online friend that I have been corresponding with for close to a year. She is driving in from Bartlesville, OK and we are meeting at my latest haunt, the Cherry Street Coffee House, for a pseudo raw meet up! I feel like I already know Angela and just like it was when I finally met Dhrumil and Philip, it will seem like we've know each other for a long time. There are other very cool things in the works as well, but I'll save those details for later.


  1. Awww!! They are dancing with happines that you rescued them from the cold! :-) Last year, other than herbs, we only grew peppers and tomatoes. It was a GREAT season for peppers. I hope it's the same for this year.

    It's fantastic that you are able to meet with one of your online friends! I hope someday to be able to spend some time with you in person, too. ;-)

    I'm going to have to research the crystal mana stuff. I received a bunch of it to give as samples at the raw food spiritual retreat I've organized, but I don't know much about it. Do you love it?

    Lots of warm love to you, Penni. I hope your friend is doing well.


  2. I cannot handle the bee pollen so it is good to hear I am not the only one. I feel bad though because I don't choke it down, I just skip it. I know I should eat it but I just can't bring myself to do it. I too wonder if it's the brand. I would love to get something local.

    It sounds like you had a divine weekend. I watched the weather and saw that it was cold all the way down to the southern coast. It is supposed to warm up to 70 up here in Chicago by mid week so I know it will be great for you guys too.

    Have a great time meeting up with your friend. It sounds lovely.

    Much love,

  3. your 'daily' favorite sounds good esp. with the cukes, romaine, garlic & the spice factor!

    Crystal Manna? I've never heard of that....will google it...thanks for sharing all this...would have never known; so mucho fun stuff to learn about when juicing!

  4. Sounds like its the bee pollen vote day. I don't like it either. It tastes stale to me.

    I don't feel bad about it though. Once in awhile I eat it - but I doubt I will buy another bottle.


  5. Hi Penni,

    I mix my bee pollen with coconut oil and honey to get past that funky I mix 1 teaspoon of each of these items and sort of cream them together in a ramekin and then with an espresso teaspoon I eat it slowly.....the honey and coconut butter mask the bee pollen weirdness. I love Grapefruit juice with spirulina a drop of olive oil and some himalayn pink salt yum! I saw that last night on CNN that it was supposed to be 34 in Tulsa anyway have a great day... ciao bella xo Dea

  6. thanks for the comment on my blog and introducing me to yours! i love reading it! you are a great writer!
    i love sharing this journey with you as well!
    much Love!!!
