Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Home Stretch - Day 75

I feel like I'm speeding into the home stretch now! 75 days of living on juice....whew! Earlier today I was looking over my list of symptoms that I had compiled at the beginning of this feast and I can't believe I was feeling that compromised just over 2 months ago. No longer do I have signs of eczema, bronchitis, brain fog, allergies, hives, PMS, irritability and regular intestinal issues that included gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. I've also dropped just under 30 pounds along the way so far. I no longer give any regard to what the skeptics may have to say about juice feasting....I am a total believer in it's amazing healing and rejuvenating power.

Tonight my step daughter, Jessica, and her super cute boyfriend, Morgan, came to dinner. Jessica is my husband's youngest child (she's 26). Jess has the greatest personality and I love her so much. This newish boyfriend seems like a real keeper as they are so wonderfully compatible and comfortable around one another. Gordon grilled chicken and I roasted potatoes and made a huge salad for everyone. I guess I am over being bothered when I'm asked to cook on occasion. Even though I enjoyed the smells, it felt really freeing to be around all of that savory food yet still be fully content while sipping one of my favorite juices for dinner. My comfort with not eating even when surrounded by seducing cooked foods is real progress for this former gourmet foodie.

Terry Moses, our friend who I've spoken about, is on day 3 of his juice feast today. He also came by this evening to borrow some juicing recipes books and to discussed his progress. His biggest challenge is that he is juicing for both he and his wife (she's a school teacher and too busy to help in the juicing process). The amount of time he's spending on juicing for the two of them is more than he had anticipated, yet they are both starting to feel really great after just 3 days! Here is a link to my friend Melissa's juice feasting blog where she shares her time saving techniques for juicing. Terry also shared that he is saving money by buying some conventional produce in bulk. Of course, organic produce is always optimal, but it is not necessary for a successful juicing experience. Although it's not the most flattering photo, here is shot of Terry & I in my back can see a tiny bit of my potted garden in this picture.
Wednesday's Daily Juice:
1.5 qt. pineapple. cilantro, spinach, jalapeƱo w/ VitaMineral Green
2 oz. wheat grass shot
1 qt. mystery green juice (something they whipped up at the Whole Foods Juice Bar)
1.5 qt. Salsa Verde Redux - 7 tomatillos, 1 cucumber, 1 small bunch cilantro, 1 orange bell pepper, handfull spinach, serrano chile, lime juice, coconut water, 1 tbsp. raw honey, 1 tbsp. macadamia nut oil.
Today I also had my MSM supplement, B12/folic acid supplement


  1. Penni,
    Hey girl! You are just coasting along beautifully as usual. It's always so good to read your posts. You are always so upbeat and put a smile on my face. Your tomatillo juice sounds lovely.

    Just wanted to drop in and say hi!!!

  2. Hi Penni!
    Congratulations on 75 days! That is wonderful.
    Thanks for the link to my blog - I hope some of the tips help Terry (and others) along. I'm sure he'll find it goes smoother as time goes on.
    ~ Melissa

  3. It still surprises me that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, people are still questioning the validity of a vegan, high raw lifestyle, let alone juice feasting. I'm rereading The China Study at the moment and the evidence is overwhelming and impeccably presented. But I have come to realize that we can't hit people over the head with it, even in our own families. We can only inform and lead by example.

    Hope the last 25 days are joyful!

  4. Sending my hoorahs! your way :) I love your growing garden!
