Thursday, May 8, 2008

Locally Raw - Day 69

Today is good old Day 69. I thought I should try to come up with some kind of swanky, sexy drink for such an occasion. I remembered that Green Chef's has this amazing raw recipe section and surely they'd have a hip, refreshing, raw and edgy drink for me to share with you. Surprisingly, they didn't offer much in the juice genre, but I thought this one sounded really refreshing. I went out to pick up some more grapefruits tonight so that I can enjoy this first thing tomorrow morning as I celebrate 70 days on juice. You can find the recipe here.

My day started off with a meeting with Alisa Miller. Alisa found me via this blog, lives here in Tulsa and has been eating a very high raw food diet for about 2 years or so. I actually went to Alisa's congregation when Paul Nison was in town over a year ago. Paul was instrumental in delivering the message that initially grabbed Alisa's attention, causing her to go raw basically overnight. Since becoming raw, Alisa has lost an impressive 65 pounds. Most recently she has been teaching raw nutrition classes at her place of worship and is going this next week to become a certified Health Minister through Hallelujah Acres. We ended up spending the best part of the day together and it looks like she will be starting her own juice feast sometime this summer. It was great to get connected to yet another wonderful person in this amazing community and so encouraging to know there are more and more like minded people right here in my own back yard! So a big shout out tonight to go girl!!

Thursday's Daily Juice:
water fasted up until about 3:30 today
1 qt. "Thai Green Juice".....celery, sugar snap peas, water of one young coconut, alfalfa sprouts, green onions, 1 red bell pepper, 2 serrano chiles, 1/2 pint cherry tomatoes, 1 bunch cilantro, lime juice, Celtic sea salt.
1 qt. "Chilled Cucumber Salad".....6 small pickling cucumbers, a large handfull of fresh dill, sugar snap peas, garlic, onion sprouts, green onions, lemon juice, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. raw honey.

Tomorrow is Day's really hard to believe I only have another 30 days left. I will be sharing my current weight and measurements, so be sure to tune in tomorrow evening for the latest stats!!


  1. Ooooh - I've got to try that Chilled Cucumber juice, or a variation. It sounds yummy. I have fresh dill in the garden too - the butterflies haven't found it yet, or the aphids.

    Last year I had these two great big dill plants - loved the way they smelled - and in just a couple of days the aphids attacked them. I mean they were absolutely covered with aphids! I pulled them up and trashed them.

    I really want to start working at making more enjoyable juices. I made one today that was really good: dinosaur kale, ginger, lime & pear.


  2. I am so excited to see you gracefully walk through the garden of you juice journey. Every day you bring reach out and pick up a little flower, ponder it and share it with all of us. Each new friend you connect with, each visit to the farmer's market, each recipe you share ...thank you!


  3. What?? You mean you didn't make Ben's orgasmic 69 juice??? :P HEhehehe! :)

    Way to go! only 30 days left! That's awesome! :)

  4. I giggled at you trying to come up with a special drink for today. ;-) You are a sexy, RAWkin woman!

    Lots of love to you, Penni!


  5. AHA!

    No Day 70 here yet either (I am writing this on Day 70)

    I am so happy to be on this journey with you, congratulations on Day 70! Truly epic and worth every bit of celebration.

    I did water fast again today, a third day of watery bliss. I am going to start drinking juice again tomorrow, and I feel like I have a brand new relationship with both water fasting and Juice Feasting that is all shining and bright!

    Love to you sweet one,

