Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Winding Down - Day 89

I have been a bit irregular with my blog posts this week but I am planing to be a really good blogger from here on out. I mean, surely I can get this together since I only have 3 MORE DAYS TO GO! I'm feeling a mixture of emotion at this point on my journey. One the one hand, I'm delighted and excited that solid food will be part of my future once again, but on the other, I'm a little blue when I think of closing this wonderful, juicy chapter of my life. What keeps me from becoming too sad is that juicing isn't going anywhere and it's a practice with which I've become very intimately acquainted during the past 3 months. I have learned more than I thought possible about the fine art of juicing and how to make things taste appealing. Having this sabbatical away from dining has taught me that I used to eat in the past for many other reasons other than true hunger. I've now developed a life skill and practice that I can use at anytime to easily bring my body into balance and restore the intestinal harmony within.

My experience with juice feasting has been incredible on every level. The discipline that I've gained and the newness of understanding regarding my own personal relationship with food has been life changing. I'll most likely share more about this on my final day. One of the things that I am most excited about is that I am currently working on an ebook which will be filled with LOTS of great recipes, and hopefully, it will contain the personal stories of some of my other juice feasting companions that I have come to know over the past months. This project has been on my heart to do for some time now, so be sure to look for my debut book in the near future!

I am also working on my plan of how I can bring those who are interested in raw foods together within Tulsa and the surrounding areas. During this juice feast, I have received so many letters with requests for ideas, recipes, help, information, counsel, and support. It seems that everyone feels the same though they are lone rangers out there white knuckling or hanging onto raw food by a string. I believe the missing element is a community of like minded people who can come together in an educational and entertaining atmosphere and gain support and ideas. If you are in my area and this is something that interests you, won't you please take a moment to comment me or shoot an email my direction to I'd genuinely love to hear your thoughts and any of your ideas, wants, needs, etc.
The Daily Juice:
I have been drinking a lot of citrus, watermelon and simple green mixtures like celery/apple/ spinach. There have been lots of stresses that are non-juice feasting related within my family, so my creative energies have simply been elsewhere lately. Hopefully I'll get a final wave of creative gusto within the next three days. If you would, say a little prayer for my daughter and my dad, please.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Penni,
    Oh, you are soooooo close!!!! You GO girl!! Smack that juicy ball out of the park for a good old fashioned home run!
    You and your dear family are most certainly in my thoughts and prayers.
    I love the beautiful picture of your father and your daughter. They are precious!
    Many blessings,
    (p.s. I did send an e-mail. Hope you got it this time)

  3. Yay, Penni!
    In Pittsburgh, there is a raw foods meetup group and it is really wonderful. There's over 200 people signed up, and there are usually potlucks or other events monthly. It's a really nice way to keep a community going.
    Best of luck for the next three days and beyond.

  4. My goodness! How time has flown! Almost done...In a small way with the MC, I can feel your excitement, lol. I'm looking forward to food too.

    Beautiful family pic!

    Wuv! XOXOXO

  5. Penni,
    You and your awesome family have my prayers.
    In Peace,

  6. Hey Penni
    So very nearly there... congratulations on staying the course despite the upsets in your family life recently.
    Having simpler juices is understandable anyway, at this stage in the game. Plain orange juice sounded good to me by about half way through!
    It's great to hear about your plans for helping create community locally. Good luck with that, and keep us all posted on your progress! xxx

  7. Prayers for dad and daughter and you are amazing. Congrats on being so close to the finish line!
    Pixy Lisa

  8. You're an amazing woman and I wish you fantastic success with your ebook and projects. You go girl!!!

  9. praying for you, your Dad, your daughter....
    I am excited that you are approaching the finish line. I am cheering for you...can you hear me shouting and shaking my pompoms from here?

  10. *HUGS* I see the stress continued. I am sending lots of love to both your father and daughter (and extra love to you, too, Penni). Life isn't always smooth; I find it harder to watch the unsmooth paths that my loved ones are on rather than the ones I encounter for myself. We just want the best for those we love. I hope that your father and daughter are soon past these stressful times in their lives.

    Lots of love to you,

    Wendi Dee
