Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Day In Dad's Garden

Today we are going to take a tour of my dad's garden. I've been spending a lot of time with my daddy lately. At 78, he is unfortunately faced with a life change that I wish weren't happening. My mother died when I was 22 and then about five years later, me married again. They were married for ten years at which time she passed away due to a life long heart condition. Three and a half years ago, my father and Millie were married and it's been pretty challenging from the get go. It's just one of those things that happens, so I've been trying to love and support him as much as possible right now as he is going through this difficult divorce.

As much as my dad wants to stay living in his home (he's been there since '92), it looks like the home and property will have to be sold and the proceeds split down the middle. I've been pretty sad for him because he loves his place so much.....a lovely retirement home just next to Grand Lake. It has been a wonderful atmosphere for both of his passions, gardening and fishing. I believe that God has a plan for my dad's future, so no matter what, everything will work out in the long run. I'm hoping he'll move closer to Tulsa so our family can enjoy his sweet spirit all of the time!
In the slide show, you'll see his corn is already coming up nicely....lots of cauliflower and broccoli planted and my favorite - blackberries and boysenberries! This years crop has been taking it's sweet time maturing but now they are really starting to get ripe and juicy! And last, but not least, you'll see a picture of Coco, Dad's loyal pet Daschund. Coco is 14 years old now but he's still a pretty sharp old guy. He's a cool dog as he eats every single fruit or vegetable that dad feeds him! Way to get that veggie glow, Coco!!


  1. Your Dad's garden looks great! I hope ours turns out as bountiful.

    My thoughts and prayers are with him and your family.

  2. *HUGS* It's not always easy to watch as our loved ones face hard times in their lives. I hope your Daddy is soon seeing some positive changes that blossom from these difficult times.

    The garden is amazing! Those berries were calling to me! Fresh off the plant, warm from the sun...OMG how yummy they must be!

    The doggy is super cute, too!

    Lots of love to you, Penni. You are a sweet daughter and I'm sure your Daddy appreciates all of your love and support.


  3. Howard the Friendly Lion! I'm so sorry that he is having a hard time right now. You are such a wonderful daughter to give him the support he needs.
    I'll say a prayer for him,

  4. Your Dad is a very talented gardener. It is beautiful!
    My thoughts and prayers are with your father during this most difficult time. Your love and support are like an angels wings. You are a wonderful daughter.
    Love and Light,

  5. Sweet prayers lifted for you and your family. Beautiful garden!
    Pixy Lisa
