Friday, June 13, 2008

Hot Off the Raw Press.....

After much support and encouragement from a few of my local raw food friends (you know who you are *wink*), I've scheduled a Raw Food Meet & Greet for local health & raw food enthusiasts on Monday evening, June 23rd, at my home. As I've shared in previous posts, it's been my desire for some time to help facilitate the building of a community within the Tulsa area. Now that my juice feast is officially over, I feel the freedom and the tug to make the leap and "go public for the people." This first event will include the of sharing kombucha cocktails, fashionable raw food tastings, easy raw recipes and my passion for this healthful way of eating and living. There will also be a viewing of the beautifully produced video, Raw For Life, for those seeking additional education and motivation. If you're in my area, and would like more information, please email me for details at

And, this just in....My awesome friends at We Like It Raw have been picked as one of the Top 21 Veg blogs by one of my most favored publications, VegNews Magazine. This award will be featured in the July/August edition of VegNews, available at your local Whole Foods and other upscale, organic friendly retailers. Even though WLIR was the only raw food blog to win a VegBloggy, they still found themselves in good company. Friends at SuperVegan and What the hell does a vegan eat anyway? were also selected by VegNews as VegBloggy winners. I'd like to give big props to the editors at VegNews for reading their mail (yep, I nominated WLIR and Mike at "whhdavea" with both raw green thumbs up) and giving my friends such a prestigious award, as well as for bringing awareness to the transformational power of healthy, raw foods.


  1. Dear Penni,
    I hope your raw meet n' greet is awesome, I wish I were there so I could participate :)
    I definately thinik WLIR deserves the Oscars of blog awards, Dhrumil and his Dboost crew do so much for the raw community globally, I am truly blessed to have found all of you. Have a beautiful weekend and love to you xoxox

  2. Have a LOVELY raw meet n greet Penni :-)

  3. Hey girl, I am working on getting a sitter so I can come down. And I will be bringing my long time super wonderful friend who will be visiting from Phoenix!

  4. Just a few more days and you'll be having the meetup!! I had one at my home and I loved it. It's so great getting together with larger groups of people who have a love of health and fresh foods! I'm sure you're going to have a fantastic time and you'll be inspiring everyone!!!

    Lots of love to you, Penni!

