Monday, July 7, 2008

Independence Day 2008

We had a great time at the farm in Mangum, Oklahoma. We enjoyed fabulous food, fireworks, and frolicking family fun! We spent an afternoon cleaning out Nana Shelton's pantry and I found so many interesting things! I brought home one of her Joyce Chen Chinese Knives. I've been wanting one for several years to use when cracking open young Thai coconuts! We also found a package of Silken Tofu dated May 1980 and several jars of things she'd lovingly canned that none of us had any clue what their contents were. My favorite items, which I saved, were pickled "something" from the 70's and a nice Mason jar of Dried Black Fungus. You know you just can't find good fungus like you used to, right? I did make some recipes that will be worth sharing in upcoming blogs, but for now, here's a little slide show of the Fourth of July with the Familia Shelton:


  1. Sweet pictures, except I'm not too sure about the one. What was in the jars?! LOL Some sort of science experiment?!

    Lots of love to you,


  2. I want that Dodge. The backseat is the size of a single bed. Not that it matters.
