Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer's Last Getaway....

This past Friday, I loaded up the girls and two of their friends, for a long weekend getaway. I suppose it was poor planning but, going on a kid friendly trip wasn't exactly the best strategy for kicking off the beginning of this 100 day Raw Fu Challenge. Nonetheless, I was determined to give it my very best shot. If I was able to successfully travel while drinking nothing but juice, surely I could stay raw while at water parks, malls and amusement parks, right??!! (video clip here.)

Gordon was able to join up with us on Friday evening after his long work week. While the girls feasted on room service and watched movies, Gordon & I stole away briefly for romantic dinner at the Park Avenue Grill inside the newly remodeled Skirvin Hotel.
I had a really fresh spinach, pear, walnut salad. It was primarily raw, but as you can see, it had this deep fried potato string thingy with a blue cheese bundle bulb (how's that for okie hick siferin'?) Yeah.....I know, not part of my program, but I couldn't resist eating that delectable bad boy. (And yes, believe me, I paid for it later.)

I didn't take the time to get pictures on the second day, but it was a combination of Frontier City, Penn Square Mall, Nichols Hills Plaza/Western Avenue, Bricktown, and too much time at the roof top pool.

Our drive home today was my personal highlight. I've always wanted to take Route 66 instead of Interstate 44, and today, I got my way. I didn't even have any complaints from the peanut gallery, probably because of the coolest stop, POPS, in Arcadia, OK.

We had a really wonderful time, but I was quite eager to be back at home once again. Preparing my own food and dining at home affords me the luxury of being in charge of what goes into my, Day 4 on Bunny's 100 Day Raw Fu Challenge will most likely be my best yet!


  1. sounds like a fun time. lovlee picture of you two~what a beautiful couple both of u!

    Thanks for sharing fantastic weekend as well as start into RawFu challenge~ am here 'rootin for all you guys + inspired ;-D

  2. Looks like you had fun! Cute kids, too. Happy to be a part of this raw food challenge. Can't believe you were driving while filming! Wish you were at Java Green.

    We drove along Route 66 a few years ago. It was fun along 66 as each stop really pulls you in to another lifetime. Our memorable stop was at the "RoadKill Cafe" in Arizona. The menu was super funny to read and my kids wouldn't let us leave without a few menu t-shirts!

  3. Looks like you all had a fun time. I loved the new picture of you and Gordon so much I am using it as the wallpaper on my cell phone. I'll see your smiling face every time it rings! Love to all, Debbie

  4. Hey Penni
    Looks like a fun trip. It's been 108 here in Plano the past few days. Wee Hee! I guess poor Angela is roasting about now!
    You and Gordon are so cute together. Good luck on the rest of the challenge.
    Pixy Lisa

  5. Sounds like a blast!! and you still did really good on your challenge!! good job gorgeous!!!

