"Whenever you are experiencing any troubles on the raw vegan diet, it's time to juice! If you feel you aren't getting enough nutrients, if you are feeling insatiably hungry, if you are craving standard American foods, if you have any physical or emotional complaints, drink vegetable juice twice daily for amazing results, daily for huge results, three times a week for noticeable results, or even just once a week for improvement. Some things can even be dealt with by drinking a veggie juice just one time only. Vegetable juice has all your minerals, nutrients, building blocks, proteins, and enzymes in a form that is easily absorbed and used by the body instantly! If you search around online you'll find literally tens of thousands of people have healed themselves of just about every condition by drinking vegetable juices! Green smoothies are also becoming popular in this regard. They have more fiber and are more palatable. They are not as strong as green juice but many people are reporting great results from drinking them on a daily basis!"
Word. Thanks, Jing.
I remember saying, as I was ending my juice feast, that one thing I learned during the three months was that juicing would always be there waiting for me if I ever felt as though I was struggling. I've fought the demon of compulsive overeating throughout my life. I recognize the patterns and behaviors that go along with that battle and I don't care to go in that direction again. Juicing empowered ME, not those behaviors that had so easily entangled me, messed with mind and had distorted my body into a person I didn't like nor recognize. So, that is my motivation. Everybody knows there is no magic bullet. But there is the lifestyle of managing this human condition and of taking care of this wonderful body that God has given me. So, if you drive by my house, you can expect to hear the familiar sounds once again of Queen Omega and Prince Vita Mix coming to my rescue.
That's just what I've been thinking of. I liked the unending daily energy and deep sleeps of a juice feast. I've been doing a little less than usual, but I'm truly happier inside when I add some green juice to my day.
you see now I want a couple of quarts of grapefruit juice.... mmmm
Thanks for this great post, Penni! I like how you said that green tools will be there for you whenever you need them. I know they will help you get into the place you want to be--and you've inspired me to go make some, too--for all the same reasons. Blessings.
Wow, this really spoke to me as well. Thanks for sharing!
Great post Penni,
I drink a green shake for breafast and a salad for lunch and a green juice for dinner, but cooked vegan has been creeping back into my life again, mostly because its so hard to be raw here in this area where no one understands and thinks oh yeah the "crazy american lady" so yes! I have been relying on green juice in the evening to keep me sane and atleast maintain my weight if not lose. Great message from Jinjee too and right on time :) love Dea
Right there with ya! Thanks for your honesty!! Had my green juice this morning too :)
I love you, Penni! It's so wonderful that you not only are in tune with what your body is asking for, but you are getting inspiration and direction from outside yourself, as well!
Hey Penni, don't you love the synchronicity? Today YummyHubby and I committed to doing a 30 day juicefeast in October. He wants to focus on optimising his running performance through cleansing and improving his diet (watch out Brendan Brazier!) and I feel I've wandered too far off the path since completing my juicefeast in May.
I've been having "watermelon days" where I eat/juice nothing but watermelon, to refocus on cleaner foods, as too much tasty but cooked food seems to creep onto my plate as time goes by. The instant benefit reminds me that despite the struggle to stay on track some days, juicing brings so much energy, clarity, vibrant health, that I am really looking forward to getting back into it.
Raising a glass (of watermelon juice) to your very good health!
I hear ya there girlfriend. I don't have any juice cravings right now, but the yoga is really helping to keep me sane about what/when/how much I eat. I do so much better with the juicy fruits and greens, even tho I am having some cooked stuff here and there. I pay for it in class tho, and that's making me want to keep my diet pretty clean.
Rock on juice queen!
Awesome post!!! You rock beauty :)
I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog since I first stumbled across it. I applaud your life...its inspirational to me. I have been trying to go completely raw for about 9 months and just haven't been able to get there. Not sure if its laziness or what. Its hard when your family isn't and you live somewhere that there aren't many resources that you know of. (Little Rock, AR) I will continue trying and will at some point just take the plunge I hope. lol I feel much better when I stick with it. Thanks for the continued inspiration. Any more words of wisdom? Thanks again and keep it raw.
You got an award! Stop by my blog and pick it up...
Pixy Lisa
Hey Penni
I started juicing again yesterday! SO - we can do it together again. Yea!
Yesterday I got in 6 quarts: 2 of watermelon/spinach, 2 of celery/kiwi/grape and 2 of tangerine/spinach
It felt GOOD to be back on the juice. Sofar today I've had a quart of watermelon/parsley - and have another quart in the fridge ready to go.
See you in the Green Room!
Yep, right there with ya sister. It's been calling my name and I had the EXACT SAME intention as you did and just never happened.
Heading to the juicer!
Thanks for sharing this encouragement! I too feel I have wandered off the path of vitality by compromising my healthy eating standards during hectic times. (when I need my fresh juices the most)
Thanks for re-inspiring me again!
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