It's been nearly a week since I've written an update, so I thought I'd share some pictures with you from my week. Dinner for Gordon's birthday was at
Lola's. I didn't take pictures of our food, but I had my favorite salad and we shared a glorious bowl of Mediterranean olives. Birthday boy indulged in some artfully prepared southwestern beef. Then we went to
The Wild Fork for lunch the next day. As you can see in the pictures, I had a glass of organic wine & a semi-raw lentil salad and Gordon had these over the top onion strings and a catfish sandwich. Because in our family we celebrate birthdays for at least a week, Saturday evening we had another shindig which included candles and a cacao raspberry cake!! Taylor's friend, Catherine, also had a birthday the same week, so we included her in on the fun. She enjoyed joining in on making a wish for her upcoming year. I love turning kids onto raw food and ice cream and cake always cinch the deal!
Penni, I hope your icecreme is fabulous. I made lavender cashew icecreme for our meetup last sunday and I posted the recipe on my Raw Fu blog as well as my LJ blog. I used avocado to get the creamy mouth feel. I would use even more next time as 1/2 a "slimcado" was not enough.
I hear you girlfried...I don't have birthdays, I have festivals:) I've been missing your posts but I know you have a lot or irons in the fire. Just found out that Pure Raw takeout is now available in T-town. Perfect timing.
Keep "cookin'" and I will see you "Fun"day.
We have an office in Tulsa and just wanted to say that I love your blog. The photos are absolutely gorgeous and your writing is great!
Incidently, I just bought the same ice cream maker you show and made incredible ice cream over the 4th weekend. Looking forward to trying some of the recipes you shared!
ooooh thanks for the link to the online correction as I have the book and couldn't figure out how to make them... And I DO LOVE MY ICE CREAM ;) can't get enough!
We usually do birthday weekends, but an entire week sounds AWESOME! I love birthdays!
The pics are always fun, so thanks for sharing them. :-) For the ice cream cone, does it taste good? Does it hold up to the moisture from the ice cream?
I recently made my first kale chips, too, and I loved them. I need to cut back on the salt next time, however, since they got saltier as they dehydrated (I guess because there was no moisture left to dilute the salt).
Lots of love to you!
Hey Penni
I just left a comment for you on the recipe correction. LOL! Anyhow, looks like a fun birthday week. I usually celebrate mine for a whole month! Thanks for posting the correction to the recipe. I was disappointed when I saw the error.
Pixy Lisa
Well your cake looks absolutly beautiful and Gordy looks like he's really lovin those onion strings! I don't blame him. I love onion rings! Maybe we should try to figure out a raw version of them. Dehydrate some onions dipped in olive oil then covered in maybe a ground nut or flaxseed??? mmmmmmmm
Hi Penni
I love your photos (fabulous cake!!!) and I absolutely look forward to your icecream recipes. Please share! I would definitely have RSVP'd if I'd been anywhere near you so am not at all surprised to hear that you've got over 25 people coming your way. Have a fab time.
Antony xx
hi penni
how was the social? i was thinking of buying an ice cream maker. and i just got that matthew kenney book too.
i was wondering if you had any thoughts on particular ice cream makers and which ones to get...
Thanks for posting the link to the ice cream cone recipe - I was so sad when I got the book and it didn't have the proper instructions! I was considering writing the publisher but you came to the rescue.
I'm glad you mentioned the recipe correction. I have that book and have been wanting to try those. I have also been trying to figure out where to buy an ice cream maker, and the 20% off coupon they always send is a great idea!!!
Love your photos and your writings. Thank you!
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