Parting from the festival on Sunday around 1 pm was bittersweet, but we were able to capture some last minute magic with some beloved friends before returning to Phoenix to fly home. Ahem....what a beautiful, life altering weekend.
Raw Spirit Festival - Day 3
Parting from the festival on Sunday around 1 pm was bittersweet, but we were able to capture some last minute magic with some beloved friends before returning to Phoenix to fly home. Ahem....what a beautiful, life altering weekend.
Wife, mommy, holistic health enthusiast & writer, educator/inspirer, movie producer, real food passionista & Founder/Director at Real Food Rehab & Adm. at the Cherry Street Farmers' Market
I'm always passionate about the flavor, texture and simplicity of real food.
Upgrade Your Plate is a source of inspiration & recipes to help you live your best life now. We've recently opened a support community,
The information contained in this blog is for education only and is not meant to help diagnose, prescribe, or treat illness. It is valuable to seek the advice of an alternative health care professional before making any changes to your existing diet.