Thursday, September 11, 2008

Welcome Baby Benjamin!

Many of my regular readers will remember when I ran the blog post with the heart warming story about my friends, Robin & Chuck, and their miraculous conception of their first baby. As you can see from the above slide show, we have a baby!! On September 8th, around 10:45 pm, Benjamin Charles Hicks was brought into this world. He is perfectly healthy and I don't recall having ever seen a more beautiful newborn infant in my life. At 41, Robin is a radiant and proud new mother and Chuck is busting his buttons! Although Chuck isn't completely finished with his tour of duty in Iraq, the Army was kind enough to allow him this leave for the birth and initial adjustment period. He'll be back home for good before the holiday season and this year there will be much for which to give thanks. Welcome to Baby Benjamin and congratulations to both of his wonderful parents!!