Monday, October 6, 2008

Little Black Dress

Many of you already know that my father has recently moved into our home and joined as part of our family. I've been busy trying to help make the transition as smooth as possible, and it's been such a blessing having him here, even though he channels Paula Dean in the kitchen. My father is the person who first taught me to cook, so having him here conjures up all kinds of warm & fuzzy, albeit less than healthful, food memories. I'm pretty sure I've already gained a few pounds just remembering our circa 1970's chocolate Jello-O Instant Pudding pies poured into a graham cracker crust. Can you say, coagulation?

Needless to day, I've been feeling a bit out of sorts with my raw food diet as of late. So much so that I have been waking in the night, dreaming about not fitting into my clothes and feeling exhausted upon awaking. It was no coincidence that I received a timely email today from my lovely friend, Jo Thomas, of the UK. Jo's story is one of triumph......just look at her before she made her lifestyle transition into whole, organic and raw foods.Although I had known and respected Jo for sometime in our online relationship, I finally had the pleasure of meeting her in person this past September in Sedona. She is far more lovely and captivating than I had imagined in real life. During our time together, we were able to share our goals and dreams, so I am delighted to now share with you the brilliant program that Jo has put together which is perfectly geared to help those of us that might be feeling a bit frumpy combat those feelings of pudginess and pre-holiday dread. And here is Jo after a few short months of going raw.....

The Little Black Dress Program!

I'd love to have you consider joining with me in enlisting Jo Thomas' help and expert guidance to help us become more sexy, sassy, sparkly and simply stunning for the upcoming holiday season- now doesn't that sound like a whole lot of fun?

As you can see, Jo has undergone a massive rawsome transformation, and because she's so excited about slipping into her dream Little Black Dress this Christmas, she's ready to share her hard won secrets so that you too can burst upon the party scene with a new found confidence and zest for life!

I think each of us, deep down, want that "WOW" factor, don't you?

So, if you're ready to step into your own total rawsome transformation this Christmas - please join me in fine tuning things and getting fabulous! My good friend Bunny Berry will also be joining me on this experience and we'd love to have you along with us for the ride!

Here is a detailed breakdown of what's involved in this smashing, not to be missed, exciting program:

1) A 90 minute group preview call to connect with each other and ensure everything is in place before kick off!

2) Six 90 minute weekly group coaching calls. Recordings of the calls will be made available to those that cannot always join in, so fear not, you won't ever have to miss out on anything, regardless of your schedule!

3) A weekly work book and accompanying video explaining the week's focus - there will be different internal and external beauty topics each week. We'll be glamming you up, inside and out and from top to toe!

4) Access to an interactive and fun forum where you can chat to your heart's content to fellow members, swap stories, successes and photos

5) Access to Jo and her extensive knowledge of raw food, nutrition, raw food inspiration, weight loss transformation and motivation! She is a living example of what can be achieved on the raw food diet in just a short space of time and she will be at your service throughout the 6 week program!

6) The option of adding extra 1:1 coaching time with Jo to your package - for those who would like some extra special attention

7) The night out of your dreams, looking and feeling like a million dollars!

8) The night in of your dreams, my Virtual Little Black Dress Cocktail Party, where we can swap stories of our night out, celebrate our successes and transformations, drink cocktails, eat chocolate and have oodles of girly fun!

Places are limited and are filling up fast so if you think this program is for you then visit for more information, pricing details and booking details. If you are sitting on the fence then Jo will be hosting a live teleclass about the program this Wednesday 8th October at 9pm UK time (4pm EST or 1pm PST). Jo is offering an early bird booking price until 10th October, after which the price will increase so I would encourage you to act quickly...!!

This program is totally international. Even though Jo is based in the UK, you can be anywhere in the world to join in - (she has the cutest English accent!!)

The program runs from 30th October to 15th December, for full details on the dates see

This really could be the best early Christmas present you ever give yourself. If you have any questions you can contact Jo directly -

I adore Jo and she has really put her heart and soul into this program and wants to help give you the best Christmas feeling ever - sparkling raw radiance and total body confidence!