Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tim VanOrden of Running Raw to Visit Tulsa

Real Food Tulsa Proudly Announces an Evening with Tim VanOrden


Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

University Club Tower
1722 South Carson Avenue

Raw Food Tasting at 5:00 PM

Presentation at 5:30 PM (Doors locked at 6:00 PM - arrive promptly)

Come join Tim VanOrden as he discusses his Running Raw Project ( which is a grand experiment in diet and athletic performance. It was started by Tim in November of 2005 with a simple question: Can one be an athlete while eating a 100% raw vegan diet? That curiosity was quickly answered with a resounding YES!

What Tim has discovered could change the world of sport forever. But why stop there? Why not try to change the world along the way? This is the mission of the Running Raw Project.

The world is taking notice of Tim VanOrden, elite athlete and creator of The Running Raw Project. Tim is a raw vegan athlete who has an international reputation for excelling in some of the world's most grueling sports. He's recently been crowned the New England Master's Mountain Running Champion and his achievements in stair climbing, or tower racing, have just been featured in GQ magazine and the London Guardian. The Food Network is also doing a documentary on Tim and his endeavors that will be out soon!

Join Tim as he discusses Diet and Peak Performance...

  • Stress and the Body
  • Nutritional Stress
  • Human Fuel System
  • Become a Better Fat Burner
  • Food Preparation and Nutrient Availability
  • Secrets of the Elites
  • Emotions and Eating
  • Success Strategies

I've had the opportunity to speak with Tim several times and I couldn't be more excited about this event. Tim has the heart of a teacher, the mind of a true scientist and the fitness of a healthy 20 year old, although he just celebrated his 40th birthday. Tim's reputation, gentle spirit, infectious sense of humor and dynamic message will certainly draw a crowd from outside of the raw community. Tim's visit will be an opportunity to create interest and educate others who have previously been unexposed to the healing attributes of raw and living foods.

Here is one of my favorite YouTube clips of Tim creating his Running Raw morning smoothie:

A donation of $10 at the door is requested.

Please RSVP to Penni at