Thursday, November 27, 2008

I Am Grateful

Thanksgiving 2008 was an absolutely beautiful day in Tulsa. Gabby spent the day with her father and his family, and Taylor was with her grandmother and family. Gordon, Dad and I went to spend the day with my Aunt Betty and Uncle Bob. Holidays at Bob & Betty's are always over the top and this year was no different. I knew in advance that I'd be indulging in a feast of both cooked and raw foods, so I packed along some digestive enzymes. Aunt Betty is a true gourmet chef. She owned The Italian Inn Restaurant for a few decades and then she and my uncle owned St. Michael's Alley's in the mid 80's.

For raw foods, I made a fresh cranberry salad, kale salad, and a raw pumpkin pie. Everything else was traditional holiday fare. I paced myself at the table, but admittedly, I am feeling the effects of the bit of overindulgence. Although this year I have no dietary remorse. I enjoyed and savored every bite. I know each dish was prepared thoughtfully, with the best intentions and infused with love. I really could feel it as I ate.

While at the Thanksgiving table, I paused and gave my own silent thanks for all of God's continual blessings, aware of the beautiful bonds of love between my family and my friends. Beyond today, I want to reflect and always be thankful for the daily moments of learning, laughter and the joy of simple pleasures. No matter the gloomy world economy, the other negativity in the news and even our own family's uncertain financial future......there is so much for which to be thankful. My prayers is that you too had a beautiful, memorable Thanksgiving holiday, filled with lots of special moments of gratitude and blessing.