Recently, I've been getting into all kinds of projects and busy-ness, but it's been all good, believe me! Even though it's been just over a week, I'm still in the afterglow of Real Food Tulsa's most successful meetup to date, an evening with
Tim VanOrden. (That's Gordon, Tim and I in the picture). We had nearly 80 people in attendance and the raw food tasting that was put together by the members of our local group was delicious and really impressive. Tim's lecture was incredibly inspiring, informative and motivational to so many. I've received many emails and phone calls telling of how the lecture brought the pieces together and helped to encourage people to that next level of health along their journey. If you are reading this, Tim, thank you for making such an impact on our community and on me personally. Can't wait for you to come back and be with us again!

This coming weekend, I'll be traveling to the "
Holiday Favorites Class" in Lee Summit, Missouri
to sit under the brilliant culinary instruction of Living Light Certified Chef,
Rachel Fracassa. I've been following Rachel's work online for some time now and I'm so excited to finally get to meet her and receive hands on education just in time for the holidays. Not only is Rachel an asset to the Kansas City metropolitan area, she has also received considerable recognition for her culinary achievements on a national and international level. Check out her recipe for this incredible
Pumpkin Cheesecake.

On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, I'll be joining in on the raw food prep training of one of our own Real Food Tulsa members,
Betsy Catrett. Betsy is a certified Alissa Cohen educator and I will finally be getting my certification while sitting under Betsy's expert instruction. During this class we'll be having a full afternoon of hands on food prep and doing an indepth study of what goes on behind the scenes in a raw food kitchen. Focus on sprouting, dehydrating and all the other fascinating nuances of preparing foods in the raw.
On to December....I'm currently planning the
Real Food Tulsa Holiday Raw Food Potluck, which is scheduled for the evening of December 7th. Still working on the details of this, but I've put "my feelers" out for a special surprise guest to join us for this festive event (fingers crossed!). I'd love it if you'd plan to join us and make this part of your early holiday plans!

Last, but certainly not least, I will be driving to Dallas on the weekend of December 13-14th to be involved in
Frank Giglio's Holiday Raw Food Prep Class.
Susie Haces is not only the organizer of this Dallas group, but she is also a member of Real Food Tulsa as well. I've known of Frank through mutual friends for a couple of years but I finally had the opportunity to meet and spend a bit of time with him at this years Raw Spirit Festival in Sedona, Arizona. Frank couldn't be anymore darling, nor could he be more talented, humble and dynamic in a raw food kitchen. I love working with one who is so proficient with healthy food preparations as well as being classically trained like Frank. He brings the best of both worlds together. To read more about Frank Giglio, visit his