Sunday, April 26, 2009
Matt Monarch & Angela Stokes in Tulsa
Award-winning author, Angela Stokes, lost an amazing 160lbs with a raw lifestyle, reversing morbid obesity. 30-year-old Angela went raw in May 2002 and her life has since dramatically transformed. Her website shares her amazing story of recovery, along with guidance and inspiration for others. She shares videos, before/after pictures and also maintains a regularly updated blog. Angela has written books, facilitates retreats, conducts consultations and lectures to standing room only crowds internationally, teaching about her lifestyle and journey to radical health.
In February 2007, she completed a 92-Day Juice Feast and her juicing book, A Juice Feaster's Handbook, has inspired countless others, including me, onto amazing juicy journeys. Angela is a valued mentor and one of the most real and meaningful personalities in the natural health, raw food movement. Her most recent book, Raw Emotions, explores raw food transformations beyond the physical level. Angela's story was also a featured story this year on CNN, and it remains one of the website's most visited pages.
Matt Monarch was one of my first online acquaintances when I switched to a raw food diet in 2005. He has always been so supportive and helpful to me each time I needed an encouraging word. Matt has been a 100% raw vegan for 9 years. He dove head-first into this lifestyle after reading Norman Walker's classic book, Become Younger. Matt didn't go raw to relieve health issues; being raw simply made sense to him. After five years raw, Matt wrote the book, Raw Spirit, covering various physical challenges and spiritual shifts that going raw can involve. Matt considers his second book, Raw Success, like his "Bible" for being raw. He travels worldwide teaching about eating healthily and healing degenerative diseases. He runs the popular online store, The Raw Food World, of which there is a link on the left column of this page. Matt also maintains his daily blog here.
The venue for this event will be announced soon, but be sure to mark your calendars NOW for this very exciting evening. Their lecture will be held in Tulsa and will begin at 7 pm. The charge will be $20 per person and seating will be limited. Matt & Angela will also have a number of books and products available for you to browse and/or purchase while they're in town. If you live near Tulsa and are not already a member of Real Food Tulsa, please join us so you will be one of the first to have an opportunity to reserve your seat.