Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ruby's Raw Brag Book

Andre's Revenge - Day 99 from Bunny Berry on Vimeo.

Every Thursday I guest vlog on RawFu. Today we're a day away from coming to the end of another 100 Day Challenge. Our next challenge will start on Monday - April 21st. I hope you'll be joining us for the fun and inspiration.

On today's video, I show off my raw food recipe and article "brag book." It's probably the most used item in my raw food kitchen. I encourage you to design a personalized raw book for yourself.

I'll be spending the holiday weekend with family at our farm in southwest Oklahoma. Perhaps I'll be able to gather some footage of the place and people for your viewing entertainment. The Shelton's always know how to put the fun back in dysfunctional! I look forward to being back with you again next week! And if you celebrate Easter.... have a blessed resurrection Sunday!