Which Raw Vegan Leaders do you want to celebrate and honor this year?
BEST OF RAW 2009 is a
publicly nominated Raw Vegan Celebration produced by Laura Fox + Visionary Culture, honoring movers and shakers in the raw vegan movement! Check it out and cast your vote!
Winners will be announced on the Dec. 30 Visionary Culture/Raw Inspirations Radio Show!
The Best of Raw celebrates ALL people who are moving the raw vegan movement forward. Thousands of people are on the leading edge of this powerful culture of RAW living, which is life promoting, life enhancing and life sustaining. Many experience the healing itself through adding more raw vegan foods to the diet while eliminating the worst foods of our culture.
When you vote, you will receive Best of Raw Updates AND an e-booklet with a couple of Laura Fox’s yummiest Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes.
The BEST OF RAW philosophy is to have fun while encouraging the energy of playful coopetition — cooperation plus competition. We truly wish to celebrate all leaders and to have some fun with an engaging community activity designed to be delightful and promote the raw vegan lifestyle.
Raw Food Rehab is one of the proud sponsors of this annual event!
Click here to Vote Now for Best of Raw 2009!