Monday, December 28, 2009

Viva La Cleanse!

In the above video, I outline Raw Food Rehab's 11 Week Total Health & Weight Loss Initiative. We will have 4 Initiatives in 2010 and this week we are putting the finishing touches on our first public initiative program of 2009.

RFR's next Initiative will begin on January 9th. In the meantime, many of us are participating in a Post Holiday Cleanse to knock out the cobwebs of any recent overindulgences.

Here is my personal menu from the past two days.....

Sunday's Detox Menu:
11 am Bright Green Drink
1 pm water from one young thai coconut
3 pm carrot, beet, celery, lemon juice
6 pm Creamy Corn Chowder & a small herb salad w/ Champagne Vinaigrette (recipes in new years ebook)

Monday's Cleansing Fare:
Water fasted until 1 pm
1 pm Large mixed herb salad - tomato, jalapeño, bell pepper, sprouts, hemp seeds w/ lemon, olive oil & honey
4 pm Hard Core Green juice - chard, parsley, cuke, celery, was good, really!
6-ish Energy Soup (new years ebook)

Viva La Cleanse!