Friday, January 29, 2010
How to Have a Personal Health Revolution
The important question is how? Today I'm going to offer some suggestions which anyone can follow & which I'm convinced will bring a wonderfully improved reality to your overall health and weight profile.
Get thoroughly dissatisfied with yourself.
Complacency is the deadly enemy of progress. The contented soul often becomes the stagnate soul. We have to press on towards our goals & stir up the drive & desire that lies within us.
Recent Facebook update from raw food chef Russell James, "It's easy to change when you're in pain. The challenge is sustaining change when comfort creeps back in." Word.
Set your face like a flint towards a sweeping transformation of your life. Timid experimenters are tagged for failure before they even get started. Throw yourself into your goals & into your desire for change. Be forceful & be an overcomer - this takes a decision and commitment to that decision.
Put yourself in the way of success. It is a mistake to look for results as a kind of magic or to expect vibrant health & weight loss to come as a windfall apart from meeting necessary conditions. There are plainly marked paths on which you know to walk to reach your ultimate destination - now, go walk in them.
Do a thorough job of no longer tolerating compromise & behaviors that wound you on any level. Take stock of your life practices & no longer allow self-deprecation and self-abuse. Eating a whole sleeve of Double Stuff Oreos = No Bueno.
Bring your life in line with integrity. Do the right thing starting today. Pay your debts (if at all possible). Release all sorrow, guilt and shame. Forgive that one who has offended you. Move forward, no longer taking that bait of turmoil & stress that seems to so easily desire to entangle you. Lose stress = healthier mind & thinner body.
Get serious minded. As long as you continue with the same health depleting behaviors, new results will not occur. Embracing a radical change in your interior climate will bring the desired progress on your exterior.
Deliberately narrow your interests. The jack of all trades is often the master of none. If you have continued to struggle with your health & weight goals, I urge you to become a specialist. Too many projects which don't allow you enough time to focus, rob you of precious moments & energy that could be focused on you. Reeling it in can often bring you your desired results.
Begin to offer yourself & what you do know to others. Find a way to serve God & others, offering your own unique gifts as you are able. Watch and see a miracle in the making.
Have faith. Begin to expect the best. Visualize yourself healthy & strong. Think of yourself as worthy.....because you ARE. Don't settle for second best.
I have seen that it is entirely possible for anyone who so desires to have a radical & successful personal health revolution - altogether independent of what others around them are doing.
The important question is how? Today I'm going to offer some suggestions which anyone can follow & which I'm convinced will bring a wonderfully improved reality to your overall health and weight profile.
Get thoroughly dissatisfied with yourself.
Complacency is the deadly enemy of progress. The contented soul often becomes the stagnate soul. We have to press on towards our goals & stir up the drive & desire that lies within us.
Recent Facebook update from raw food chef Russell James, "It's easy to change when you're in pain. The challenge is sustaining change when comfort creeps back in." Word.
Set your face like a flint towards a sweeping transformation of your life. Timid experimenters are tagged for failure before they even get started. Throw yourself into your goals & into your desire for change. Be forceful & be an overcomer - this takes a decision and commitment to that decision.
Put yourself in the way of success. It is a mistake to look for results as a kind of magic or to expect vibrant health & weight loss to come as a windfall apart from meeting necessary conditions. There are plainly marked paths on which you know to walk to reach your ultimate destination - now, go walk in them.
Do a thorough job of no longer tolerating compromise & behaviors that wound you on any level. Take stock of your life practices & no longer allow self-deprecation and self-abuse. Eating a whole sleeve of Double Stuff Oreos = No Bueno.
Bring your life in line with integrity. Do the right thing starting today. Pay your debts (if at all possible). Release all sorrow, guilt and shame. Forgive that one who has offended you. Move forward, no longer taking that bait of turmoil & stress that seems to so easily desire to entangle you. Lose stress = healthier mind & thinner body.
Get serious minded. As long as you continue with the same health depleting behaviors, new results will not occur. Embracing a radical change in your interior climate will bring the desired progress on your exterior.
Deliberately narrow your interests. The jack of all trades is often the master of none. If you have continued to struggle with your health & weight goals, I urge you to become a specialist. Too many projects which don't allow you enough time to focus, rob you of precious moments & energy that could be focused on you. Reeling it in can often bring you your desired results.
Begin to offer yourself & what you do know to others. Find a way to serve God & others, offering your own unique gifts as you are able. Watch and see a miracle in the making.
Have faith. Begin to expect the best. Visualize yourself healthy & strong. Think of yourself as worthy.....because you ARE. Don't settle for second best.