Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why Can't I Lose Weight??

Here we are, just past the start of the New Year, just days into Raw Food Rehab's 11 Week Total Health & Weight Loss Initiative and I continue to receive so many letters from people across the globe who are desperate to lose weight. Everything from people who are simply irritated with holiday weight gain all the way to those who are morbidly obese. My heart honestly breaks each time I receive one of these letters. I have been exploring the subject of optimum health and real and lasting weight loss for years now and I believe that you CAN lose weight WITHOUT starving and depriving yourself. That phrase is even in the title of my book that is soon to be released. So many people want the results, but they haven't found all the missing pieces to their puzzle yet.

My friend, best-selling nutrition author David Wolfe believes and teaches that you absolutely can lose that stubborn weight once and for all. If you are a regular reader of this blog, or have been a member of my website, you've likely heard me mention David. If you've been in the world of raw food any length of time, you've likely read at least one of his books, seen him on a documentary or on TV, or seen him speak at an event.

From time to time I introduce you to individuals or companies who I believe have visions, products or teachings in alignment with principles of integrity, service, compassion and that line up with what I'm doing here and at Raw Food Rehab. Although David & I hold a few differing opinions on certain subjects, I truly respect him as one of the most influential leaders in raw foods and happen to believe that his latest offering is totally in sync with what so many people are desperately in need of learning today. Probably NOT a coincidence.

So, Wolfie has just released a coaching series designed like nothing ever created to melt off potentially harmful fat and trim your waistline. I have heard the majority of this program and feel that it might just be a missing element for some of you. I am already implementing what he is suggesting into my lifestyle right away and I suggest to you that this might be deeply helpful on your weight loss journey as well.

If this resonates with you, then you can check it all out HERE. The only other reason I feel comfortable telling you about this program is that I think it's really very affordable for what is being offered and there is an option to get immediate access to 5 additional offers amazing bonuses if you chose to order, including a brand new program he created on hair growth. I have just recently began getting letters from people and members here who are concerned about hair loss or thinning, so this feels like a really timely release.

If you've struggled with losing weight or think it's an uphill battle, I believe that this program is likely to cause something within you to click....changing both your mind and body forever. That is the reason I am choosing to promote it. I suggest that you at least go check it out HERE. There will be a free phone call tonight that will give you all the scoop, and the link above will get you connected to that special call with David & my other awesome friend, Kevin Gianni.