Sunday, March 20, 2011

Come Go FRESH with Me!

I am delighted to roll out the details of Raw Food Rehab's upcoming 11 Week Total Health & Wellness Initiative - Go FRESH. This 11 program will kick off on Friday, April 1st and end on Thursday June 16th.

To commit to joining Go FRESH, you will need to become a member of the new Vault (currently under construction), which is where members participate in the Initiatives. As always, The Vault will be a fully private room in the RFR mansion that is dedicated to a more intense focus on getting down to the business of the diet & lifestyle principles that are embraced during the 11 Week Total Health & Wellness Initiatives. The additional details are:

~ Anyone who agrees to the Rules of Vault Participation and pays the $33 sign up fee can join the Vault at anytime during the Initiative. We will welcome new members to the Vault throughout the duration of the 11 weeks.

~ Members of the Vault can expect a special video message each week, digital copies of specially prepared material for the Go FRESH Initiative, (which offer support, inspiration, recipes, beautiful color photographs, journal pages, etc.), an opportunity to win fun & exciting giveaways, and additional features throughout the Initiative.

~ Members of The Vault are no longer required to post before photos, measurements or their weight weekly during the Initiative, but they are required to abide by our House & Vault Rules of Participation to remain a member in good standing during the 11 Weeks.

~ An additional & optional aspect of joining the Initiative is to participate in The Weight Room. Those who choose to join the Weight Room are required to post a fully clothed before photo, add their beginning measurements & weight and are required to log in for a weekly weigh in for support and accountability. This particular portion of our Initiative has proven to be very powerful in supporting members who are focusing on weight loss and weight maintenance.

The number of members I can accommodate in the Weight Room is limited and no new members will be added after April 1st, so time is of the essence if you are interested in joining us.

To sign up and secure your place in Go FRESH - The Vault and/or The Weight Room- you will need to send a payment of $33 to the link below. Once I receive your payment, your place in our Initiative is totally secure. You will will receive a confirmation email from me once your payment has been made.

To join the Vault for Go FRESH, Click Here.

To join both the Vault & The Weight Room, Click Here.

If you are interested in learning about our Darlene Knight Scholarship, please click here for all the details. Scholarship requests will only be accepted for those who want to go the distance, making the full commitment to both the Vault & Weight Room. The last day to submit a request for Go FRESH is March 25th.