Saturday, April 9, 2011

How Are YOU Going FRESH?

As some of you already know, I'm on the board of my local farmer's market. I am very passionate about organic, sustainable, bio-dynamic & LOCAL Food! I feel so very blessed to have a market like the Cherry Street Farmer's Market in my home city and today was opening day! I know this ain't Portland, Seattle, LA or NYC - but I have to say - we've got it goin' on in Tulsa, OK! To check out what's happening in the local food scene in your area, go to

I was also surprised and delighted to run into one of the members from Raw Food Rehab at the market today. Isabel Pepper and her handsome son recognized me from the website and introduced themselves. Please go friend request Isabel at RFR and linger over her fabulous raw food photography, much of which you'll recognize from the main feature at RFR - Week One Go FRESH slide show. It was such a wonderful surprise to meet one of my awesome peeps and her family in real life!

Next I'm off to the Brookside Herb Fair to see if I can score on some basil plants and nasturtiums. I started a nice little edible garden in my front yard just last spring, and last year's rosemary, thyme, wild strawberries, garlic chives, lemon verbena, sage and MINT are already showing impressive signs of new growth! I really had no idea they would make it through the winter : ) So I am really happy and looking forward to getting my hands dirty in the garden later this afternoon.

Tomorrow I will be going to a Tulsa Driller's baseball game w/ my hubby. We have this amazing new baseball stadium for our home team and Gordon has been itching to go get his baseball fix on. I think it will be great fun.

So I would love to hear what you are up to this weekend. Tell me what you are doing to Go FRESH in your neck o' the woods in the comments below!