Saturday, March 15, 2008

Apples of My Eye - Day Fifteen

My day started at 4 am today. It was the first day of Spring Break 2008 for us and that meant we were on our way to Tulsa International Airport to put Taylor, our eleven year old, on a plane with 30+ other fifth graders to fly to our nation's capital, Washington D.C.! It was all very exciting for the kids and this 4 day excursion will be action packed from start to finish. Many of you may not know this but Taylor is actually not my daughter. Taylor is my husband's granddaughter, but we are helping to co-raise her, as Gordon's ex-wife has legal custody of "The Tay." I love her as much as if she were my own and she has been such a gift in my life. Although we're a blended family, it works beautifully and we know that God brought us together because we all needed one another. Paraphrasing from Dr. Evil to Mini Me, "They complete me!"

Once Taylor was safety in the air, Gordon started working and I was off and running with the rest of my day. I went on a produce shopping extravaganza, visiting Whole Foods, Akin's-our local health food store, and Center One Market-a "she she" boutique market that showcases local growers and local chef''s cool, maybe too cool for this town, and it is pricey. With those three stops, I scored big on beautiful organic greens and vibrant fruits that are now beautifying my kitchen island. When in my kitchen, sometimes I just stand and admire the bounty laid out before me in awe, almost as if it were a shrine. Does being with fresh, organic, ripe produce ever cause you to well up a bit? I've noticed I can get moved this way when I am at an open air farmer's market or at my dad's house, in his organic garden. It is just a passion for me. I have propped up my un-cook book from Cafe Gratitude to be displayed right next to the spread because I love the name and it says it all, I Am Grateful. True that.

Then in the late afternoon, I spent some time chauffeuring my daughter and her friends to and from the mall, movies and dinner. Gabrielle will be 15 in May. Hard to believe my baby is now a lovely young lady. She is a beautiful girl, inside and out, and I am very proud of her. However, her diet is polar opposite of mine. If it's raw or green, forget about it. I hold to the belief that her opinions and tastes will evolve and develop as she matures. I, too, despised healthy food when I was young, and over time, my body simply stopped allowing the dietary abuse and here I am today, working towards undoing all I can from the damage caused by years of poor choices. Anyway, coming back to the present...we have a house full of giggling and shrieking teen girls running around the house and I am enjoying this time of finally winding down to rest and count my many blessings. And since tomorrow is Palm Sunday, a spirit of thanksgiving seems to fit perfectly.

PS....Nub, the wisdom tooth, seems to have stopped hurting today. Thanks to everyone for your holistic dental suggestions....they appear to be working!!

Saturday's Daily Juice:
ginger tea w/ raw honey & lemon
1.5 qt. celery, kale, dandelion greens, apples, & lime.
1 qt. spinach, tangerine, blueberry
Tulsi vanilla tea
1 qt. cucumber, orange bell pepper, onion sprouts, yellow onion, asparagus, broccoli, cilantro, parsley, carrot, tomato, garlic, jalepeno, & Celtic sea salt. (sounds was and I loved it!)


  1. So glad your tooth is feeling better! Thanks for sharing photos of your beautiful girls! They really do shine, just like you!!

    Love and hugs, Katrina

  2. I am so glad your tooth is feeling better. It sounds like you had a lovely day. I really want to get the Cafe Gratitude book. Maybe I will treat myself when I hit day 60!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. Your post was so upbeat and positive that I wish I had read it earlier in the day! You always acknowledge gratefulness and happiness. What a gift to spread to your readers! I hope you and your family had a great day.

  4. Dear Penni,
    so glad your tooth has stopped hurting. I too get overwhelmed by feeling good when I see my kitchen counter overflowing with greens and veggies. At the moment there are 4 cases of fruit and vegetables in a corner of my kitchen floor and it makes me think what a long way I've come. You are such a loving mom and you have great family. I want to be like you when I grow up! Oh wait we are the same age lol....xoxo Dea

  5. Hi Penni, what a lovely post. Your 'apples' surely are radiant. It must be wonderful to be surrounded by such lovely people :)
    I'm so glad the tooth's healing. I had some toothache yesterday in empathy :D
    Let's have a photo of your wonderful produce-filled kitchen counter!

  6. What beautiful girls. :-) I'm catching up on all that happened while I was away. I'm sorry to read that your tooth was bothering you, but it's good to know it's better, now!

    Lots of love to you, Penni!

