Sunday, March 16, 2008

Successfully Sunday - Day Sixteen

I awoke refreshed and clear this morning and earlier than usual for a Sunday morning. Because everyone else was still sleeping, I had the whole house to myself for about an hour, so I took that time to simply enjoy the silence, read and create a plan for my day. Later, we went to church and enjoyed the beautiful service they had prepared for Palm Sunday. The choir, waving palm branches, marched through the sanctuary and sang Hosanna. The young children sang too and their sweet, clear voices elevated my spirit to heaven. It was good to be there today and hear the inspirational message which was about service towards others. I prayed that God would continue to show me how I can reach out to help and serve those around me. It was a beautiful morning.

Once home, I excitedly made my reservations to travel to New York at the end of the month to join up with Dhrumil and the We Like It Raw team's big event, Successfully Raw! From the minute I heard about the event, I desired to go, but I've waited. When I finally spoke with Gordon, my husband, about it last night, he was quick to tell me to book it! I have such a dear supportive mate in him. So I am totally stoked about my upcoming less than two weeks I'll be in my favorite city! So, this was another moment that made my heart sing today!

It should be an interesting experience to be traveling as a juice feaster. There are plenty of others who have done it before me, so I will study a bit about what worked well for them and what didn't. I know that NYC should be a breeze with all of it's organic juice bars and health food restaurants. My hotel is two blocks from Bonobo's and another 8 or so to Pure Juice & Takeaway, so I should be able to stay fully juiced up while there. I am fortunate enough to have been able to book non-stop flights both there and back. I will be sure to blog all about my experiences!

Sunday's Daily Juice:
rooibos tea
1 qt. grapefruit, orange, Crystal Manna
1.5 qt. celery, carrot, dandelion, beet root w/ tops, green onion, alfalfa sprouts, cayenne, lime
1.5 qt. honeydew melon
1 Tbsp. hemp oil
vanilla tea w/ bee pollen & spirulina


  1. Beautiful picture! I would love to hear all about your trip!

  2. Penni, Hello from your neighbor, Ginny. I loved your article in Tulsa World. Great story - very inspiring. I too, love eating healthy and get moved by fresh produce. What a gift! I wish you well with your juice feast.

  3. How exciting. I can't wait to hear all about it. I wish I could go with you! You should have no problem juicing on the go with all the resources in NY. I read about people taking green powder with them for on the plane since you can't bring liquid on. You can buy the water once you get through security and add your green powder and honey if you wish.

    You are going to have a blast! Take lots of pictures for all of us and learn tons!

  4. Penni, that's so great that you are taking the trip to NYC! I'm sure you are going to have an amazing time and I look forward to hearing all about it!

    I loved Bonobos when I was visiting NYC--it was quick and cheap. The people were super nice there, too.

    Lots of love to you,


  5. Hi Penni
    Isn't this just the grandest adventure?! It is quite amazing to me that I have already completed my 8th day of Juice Feasting. I noticed in your profile that the Bible is one of your favorite books - and then read of your experience in church yesterday. I sang one of the songs I've written in church on Palm Sunday. Since starting the Juice Feast, I seem to be more touched by things that happen. As I was singing, a friend looked at me and was so into the song I nearly cried. During communion in struck me that the only solid food that will pass my lips during this Juice Feast is the bite of bread from communion each week. That was an awesome realization.

    Thanks for stopping by my site.
