Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco De Mayo - Day 66

I know, I promised a video.....Where it is, you say? Well, I picked a pitiful hair day to shoot my first video and I am just too vain to post it. Plus I am still trying to upload it and figuring out how to post it here. I'll work on glamming it up for you people next go around, mkay? Even though I know I disappoint, I am still excited about the fact that I'm making personal inroads in my tech savvy-ness!

Now onto the good stuff! I've always been a fan of Cinco De Mayo....especially back in my gourmet cooked food days! I could totally put down the Mexican food, and over time, it really began to show! So what's a juice feasting raw foodist to do on such a celebratory day as this? As the phenomenally creative Shannon Marie, of Rawdorable says, it's time to rawify it! Here are a few recipes that I have come up with for those of us who don't want to miss out on all the fun and festivities! Although the last two are technically juice recipes, you could also easily turn them into raw salsas or soups by blending or chopping instead of juicing.

Kumquat Mojitos
1 pint of kumquats (12 oz.), halved and juiced by hand.
1 cup mint leaves
juice of 3-4 oranges
juice of 1 lime
2-4 oz. kombucha (substitute Perrier or Club Soda, if you are a good juice feasting boy or girl)
(Note....if you are not juice feasting you can add some raw agave nectar if you prefer things a bit sweeter.)

In a cocktail shaker or pitcher, add the mint leaves. Using a wooden spoon, vigorously muddle. Pour the freshly squeezed juices over the muddled mint and add kombucha and chill, allowing time for the flavors to marry together. Serve up, in chilled martini or wine glass. Add a slice of lime and mint leaf garnish on the rim of your glass for a perfect presentation.

Tomatillo Salsa Verde - Juiced

1 lb. tomatillos, husked
water of one thai coconut
1 jalapeño (serrano chiles work well too)
a few stalks of celery
1 small sweet onion
2 cloves garlic
1/2 bunch fresh cilantro
juice of 1-2 limes
1 tbsp. cold pressed olive oil, hemp oil or macadamia nut oil
(Add a couple of tbsp of raw honey if you'd like it sweeter)

Push all ingredients through your juicer, except the coconut water, oil and honey. Combine all ingredients into your VitaMix and blend 30 seconds, or until creamy.

Nectar of the Mexican Goddesses
3-4 ears of corn, kernels cut from the ear
4 stalks of celery
1 red bell pepper
1 small yellow onion
1/4 bunch fresh cilantro
juice of 1-2 limes
1 jalapeño
dash of ground cayenne pepper
a sprinkling of mace or nutmeg
Celtic sea salt to taste

Juice all ingredients and add seasonings. Mix well and enjoy!


  1. Mmmm - corn! I'm going to have to go out and look for some organic corn. All the recipes look amazing, thanks for posting them! I will try them for sure.
    Also...the pics you linked to from day 39 are incredible. You look so great. Congrats!
    ~ Melissa

  2. wow! I should have read this earlier today! I was scratching my head to come up with raw alternatives!!

    I am so proud you ventured into video! I have been crossing my fingers that you would give it a shot!

    If you need any help or a semi-steady hand - I am your gal. I promise not to make you laugh too much :)




  3. Hey Penni,
    You've got some great looking ideas here. I hope you still do a video. Just remember, it's not a bad hair day, it's a good hat day. I'll bet you look cute in any hat you put on!

    My sister sent me a birthday email today including a recipe she had in Guatemala:

    This is one of my favorite recipes for chips and salsa. I think you could juice this recipe and it would be good. I all ready ate all of my radishes for today.

    Picado de Rábano (Guatemalan radish salad)

    Chop up:
    3 cups radishes
    1 cup tomatoes
    1/2 cup onions
    1/4 cup mint
    1/4 cup parsley
    1 1/2 serrano chiles (optional)
    3 tablespoons lemon juice
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    salt and black pepper to taste

    Do you put oil in juice?

    There are other similar recipes that omit the tomatoes which don't seem to be ripe in this part of the world at the same time as radishes

  4. Ooooh, you're a saucy girl! Love those recipes. Yum yum. I love your creativity!

    I know what you mean about the video thing. Do you know how hard it was for me to post my feast breaking video? Ugh, I was looking down which gave me a double chin and my hair was horrible. I bit the bullet and did it because, let's face it, I couldn't do it over again. :o)


  5. Hi Penni
    Could you tell me where you found the instructions for linking back to a previous post?

    I went to David and Katrina's site today and was sad because I'm no longer on the list of active Juice Feasters. I wrote and told them I'm giving it another shot, so I'm hoping I'll end up back on the list.

    Anyways - have a great day

  6. Very clever my dear - love it! I just can't get past how amazing your kitchen must smell after juicing up these wonderful recipes. Thanks for sharing.

  7. You know, I never think of making savory juices. I only make sweet ones. This is giving me some new ideas, thank you darling!

  8. I luv all your tex mex inspired juices...esp. w. the jalapeno!

    Can't imagine bad hair day 4U? You photograph so the glow factor ;-)
